This is on the spectrum somewhere between infomercial fails and Darwin Award honorable mention.
This is on the spectrum somewhere between infomercial fails and Darwin Award honorable mention.
Take your star you glorious bastard.
Wait a minute...C-3PO has a silver leg?
I recently got into ED, like two months ago. Its a fun game in its own way, but watching the forums has been a pastime for me when I can’t play.
Skyline Pigeon is one of my favorite EJ songs. Actually one of my favorite songs in general.
I’m a stay at home parent with a four month old. At the behest of my mother’s (incessant) advice, I found a group of stay at home mommy/daddy’s with similarly aged children to hang with on Tuesdays.
You married into hill folk :/
I’m sorry, but Polish sausage and Italian sausage aren’t analogs. They’re food stuffs used in entirely different food situations that happen to be similarly phallically shaped and sometimes grilled, but otherwise in no way comparable.
Omg coffee out my nose!
I’ve never wanted an internet comment to be true this badly.
gay-male pop culture has a way of penetrating the gay-male corners
I wish everyone the best!
i think knowing butt is what got us into this mess.
No. Lumlum best. Him deep.
Ugchuck and Cavemen
This is such good writing.
No, this makes her a worse kind of monster because she wouldn’t resign in protest against this.
Limit the length of commercials to no more than 34 minutes per game. That’ll inform the length of the game pretty consistently, I’d imagine.
Thanks Norm.