The best part is someone clearly took the time to figure out how long the string had to be to maximize ball contact. Damn premeditation and shit.
The best part is someone clearly took the time to figure out how long the string had to be to maximize ball contact. Damn premeditation and shit.
According to Las Vegas Review Journal, this is her:
I’ve had more enjoyable two-hour sessions wiping on Molten Core.
Yeah I legitimately thought this was that guy from Coldplay till I started reading the comments. Then I thought it was that “I’m Yours “ song singer. Now I just don’t know anymore.
He was more than just embarrassed. During the most recent attempt in 2013 he combined self effacing deflection with subtle political commentary in a way only he can:
They are loyal, I guess. Here’s a 16 year old, spent his entire time with the same owner.
Jim Cooke deserves a goddam Pullitzer.
Wtf MOONDUST fucking sorcery
My wife and I have between us about 8k pics of our three lively kitties because they slay. Samwise forced me to make a meme of him. I told him you can’t just “make” a meme. Then he was all:
Better than a buttload of buttload pics
I’m changing my ringtone to that announcer shouting “...from the DEPTHS of HELL!”
(Never too late to cat pic)
I got about three paragraphs in and was like, “Hm...seems like there might be a cool point to all this.” I scrolled down to see how much longer it was. And scrolled. And scrolled. And scrolled. And then I was all, naw, gonna go straight to the comments. Was not disappointed.
Holy shit, what equipment 20 years ago (1996) were they using that only allowed them to type in caps like they did in 1849 (1849)?
Vin Scully would have stayed silent for two days after a dunk like that.
“Queer dadcore” sums up all I want to be. Slap on a “stay at home” in front of it and I’m ready to buck social norms like a straight Keebler Elf.
Now I’m curious how playing WoW 1.12 would be like. I played very hard core from Vanilla to BC...and I can’t remember a single damn thing I did.