Ace Stephens

This really bugs me these days. In big budget film roles for male leads, "genuinely decent human being" has been replaced almost across the board with "kind of cool jerk."

That…I would be completely okay with that.

Color correction refuses to allow it…

I'm with you but it could have been better fairly easily…maybe by adding in enough PG-13 danger that it wouldn't feel like a toothless retread.

I give this sort of rationale for why I'm looking forward to the next Terminator and people act like I've lost it.

"You'll have to change your pants! No, seriously. We mean it. Just wait for the home media version in order to spare yourself the public embarrassment you'd otherwise be sharing with everyone else."

In this franchise they didn't so it must have been due to being crossed with frog DNA…

Right. You need to maintain the element of surprise.

Well, to the best of their ability within reason, of course. The internet means most of us have that ability in many cases - to find the "original source" or perhaps wait until the "full article" comes out a few days later or…whatever.

Well, it also kind of proves his point in that regard. People read one thing out of context and then immediately make up their mind and think they know the story and begin sending death threats…

Though the "emotional and not logical" thing annoyed me.

Breaking News: Persia thinks misguided band names are "almost worse" than racism!

From what I read, they named themselves after the architectural style common in mansions of the time. So, while plainly associated, it is a few steps removed from just flat-out romanticizing the period itself or slavery.

To be fair, it's just a band name. Like The Hairy Mary Canaries or Hitler Was Right.

If it was one of the Jeffersons, they couldn't possibly be racist!

Sounds to me like you've got a great pitch for a reboot of WKRP in Cincinnati!

"You named her what? Samanthalene? Ah, damnit!"

This guy sounds like an extreme feminist. "You should cater your product to women!" "Men are bland filler just there to move the economy along!" Etc.

Eh, not proven under the law.

I haven't heard of this "Hitler" but those Dixie Chicks can burn in Hell!