
I commend your taste in chefs. Now I must log off because I'm trying lose 20 lbs, aka in eaties circles "creating some space."

This is where foodies (who are often eaties too) triumph over unrepentant snobs & hipsters in the realm of the obvious: we can admit that, though it's lowbrow and well-I-guess-it's-fair-to-say-it's-not-real-cheese, F it, This Cheese is not Afraid of Your Substandard Oily Weird-tasting Cheddar Grilled Cheese and it

Her remarks auf deutsch hopefully translated loosely as "in socialist East Germany, pussy grabs you" while motioning a look-at-this-fuckin'-guy thumb in his direction. How humiliating must it be to appear in public anywhere near Drumpf? Aside from Sean "The Eunuch" Spicer, who very much enjoys emasculation.

Yeah, way i heard it was 4chan's creator was getting tired of seeing "wapanese," so he filtered it to say weeaboo whenever someone typed it and the anonymouses ran with it.

If you know what I mean.

Hahaha, oh goodness AVC is the best comments section on the internet.

Well, I think we've all wondered: are these not the same?

Every time I get to the "tapp" or rather "tap…PKKK!" part I just lose it.

Work??!??! You made that sentence *clap*

I will wear a kimono whenever I play.

Fucking A. I'm a man with a receding hairline but I'll promise you that when the apocalypse comes and I don't need a damn job anymore I'm going to have braided cornrowed dredded hair which I'll tie with a piece of cloth and then fashion into a bun and probably secure that bun with choptsticks.

You just made me feel really really good about ordering this game. As if the reviews weren't good enough…

Hah! Your comment deserves more than an upvote but nobody can out-quip it so this lameassness will have to serve as kudos.

Well, best be pickin' up dem sticks, hadn't they? Oh man, to be paid to review complimentary games… it would be a nice problem to have.

Nier and Nioh have frickin' sold me on Japanese gaming. I thought Eastern gaming was dead, but it turns out it's probably the savior of Western gaming marooned in the doldrums over open-world *meh*.

It takes a friend to be a friend; you'll never know until you try; if you go out an buy some Kangols, you'll be a step ahead of the game.

Saw this as "I want to see him and yell 'Ben Carson!'"

If he does I'm seeing it and I didn't even bother with Snakes on a Plane.

~Jerry Seinfeld, after a few Manhattans

Your Russian lit degree thanks you.