
Pink Flag is my favorite queer punk rock cover band, fronted by Twink Gynn, Hard Hank Rawlings et al.

True, true. I got home and poured myself a bourbon and thought "I know exactly where I was the day Prince died. At the office, like every other day," yet that's a good thing 'cause it beats being in class when Johnny Thunders ODs leaving an exquisite corpse. We got to hear the entirety of Prince's potential career, as

Let's not forget dude immediately carved a path for people like Chico DeBarge, Billy Ocean, Phillip Bailey, Michael Jackson etc. to be heard by largely white audiences and to express themselves as however funky, rock'n'roll, black, white, hispanic, etc. as they wanted to be. And he said "do it by yourself too,

I think that's why it's important to break out old stuff sometimes and realize "this means much to me and a few others and should be appreciated before it sounds like Bing Crosby." Or, in this case, before you throw it on and look like a Johnny Come Lately Professing His/Her Undying Love For Somone He/She Never Really

Dude was very much the essence of "Be Here Now" pop music—if you weren't hearing 1999 or When Doves Cry on the radio at the park or emanating from a boombox on the shoulder of some dude rollerskating along the Potomac or similar public space, you probably weren't going to be into his music. A Tool fan won't decide to

I totally thought JW meant Jeans West.

He and Al Gore had a negotiated peace in which one would stop talking about having invented it, and the other could proclaim its premature death. He will always be remembered for those prophetic words.

Prince was like an old wooden ship.

The flying chair episode got more incredible every time I watched it. Somewhere a fortysomething former skinhead is in a bar in Wisconsin or some damn place, drinking beer that he hasn't paid for since 1988 and he gets introduced to patrons as the Bobby Knight of the Geraldo Rivera Show. A working class hero with

Not his defining moment. When he brought clergy, black people, gay people, and fairly despicable skinheads all onstage at once and then THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT!! or at least a battle royale of a melee and — holy shit — he emerged with his nose broken… by a flying fucking FOLDING CHAIR… it was kind of like the Velvet

Good Q. The words Canada and equivalent got me to thinking though… if the Canucks get fed up with Trudeau or whoever, where do they threaten to move upon his re-election? Canada's an easy target for the US… the language is virtually identical, the customs not so far-fetched so long as you've ever lived in the midwest

I hate to be the bitter old man type, but comic book stores aren't even family friendly anymore. Sadly, as the demographic grows older, comic books and movies become less Raiders of the Lost Ark pulpy and more Breaking Bad bleak.

Hah, ah shoot. This gave me cancer. But it was worthwhile.


It was brilliant though. In a way these kids today will never understand with their iDroids and mobile talkies etc.

Shame I missed all the PS4 sales over Christmas… I'm just now getting tempted to buy one. Bloodborne is one among the several PS4 and PS4/PC exclusives that I've been wanting badly.

I hope the "Rock Me Amadeus" Falco guy got some of that fat video game cash. You know. Before he died. It only seems fair.

The gif with Dwayne Elizondo Herbert Mountain Dew Camacho showing up on his 6-person rollin' coal trike, middle fingers raised, would be the appropriate image for this story.

Dammit, can we all get comfortable with the word "scrotum"? McCown's term "balls" is fine. Smith's term "testicles" isn't. Calls to mind someone writing into a magazine saying that he routinely shaved his testicles. The editor replied with "I should hope not, even if they're too big."

Haha, nice. I got talked into two pair once when I really could only afford one. Guy who ran the place in the early 90s knew how to exploit the hidden fear that your current glasses were, in fact, unstylish and uncool. After making the sale, he liked to grab your hand with both hands and say "be well, my friend."