When you watch it, I think you'll see it's broadly lampooning both Trump and Clinton. Jump forward to :36 to see the fake blurbs, including "Donald Trump is simply awe-inspiring" –all who gaze upon him
When you watch it, I think you'll see it's broadly lampooning both Trump and Clinton. Jump forward to :36 to see the fake blurbs, including "Donald Trump is simply awe-inspiring" –all who gaze upon him
Even Grolsch was watery and flavorless. This is why it always amuses (irks) me when people talk about the "poor" selection of American beer. Yeah, we have like 10 bad beers and about 10,000 excellent ones. Oh, but you have Heineken and Stella and Karlsberg over there. That's cool.
Well it's about goddamn time.
I came from NW as opposed to SE, but this still seems like northern interloper bullshit, something Americans have historically had little patience for. O you know better, do you? Fly back to your little enclave and be quick about it.
So so severely late to the party here.
DO YOU BLAME THEM???!?! You can only mine the Avengers auxiliary membership for so long…
"Inside every 'grew up Catholic' there's an Augustine waiting to come out—they don't keep that tidbit of information in their back pocket just for party conversation." ~Reverend Oscar Wilde, The Invention of Wit
"Historicity." Hmm. I heard someone use Catholicity once too. Jury is adjourned until much, much later on these… these awkwords.
Hahah, you can safely sever your ties with that generation now.
1999 doesn't get nearly the recognition it deserves as a badass 80s album. Purple Rain will do that to a record. I remember loading up a jukebox with most of the good tracks from that (minus Little Red Corvette and probably 1999) and long about the time DMSR started playing people were openly mocking the jukebox…
Haha, nice. Hopefully you didn't upstage the betrothed, even if you're probably the only person anyone's going to remember. The Amish thing is great too. Dude needs a nice broad-brimmed hat too so he can channel his inner hasidim as the situation dictates.
I don't know if I'd call that a bad thing. My love of the 1999 album led to an appreciation of funk in general. Those songs are at least gateway drugs.
I did the same once in some hamburger joint, dude sported not only the beard but an Elmer Fudd hat. Only the baring was coupled with "hey, beardo, LET'S GO!" and then was quickly subdued by friends.
As long as the last Baby Boomer is alive, the Beatles will continue to be trumpeted as the highest-quality, least offensive pop music _evar_.
They've got classic rock radio on their side, 102.7 THE BEEF etc. Though I owned the entire Zeppelin catalog and large parts of The Who… I didn't have to. They were playing over the loudspeakers in my high school cafeteria on the day I walked in.
I think it might make a good double feature for someone who liked Glengarry, Glenn Ross. Viewed together, you get to take in emotional, hypermasculine themes, you also see the sorta stage production influence, maybe gain an appreciation for, I donno, a modern A Streetcar Named Desire sort of movie. I'mma go ahead and…
"Dog whistle" as in if I say "I really enjoy David Mamet pictures, particularly Hurlyburly," I'm signaling that I must know pictures?
He was first. We give deference to people with T-Rex-like fast-twitch answers.
Hey, are you cool, man?
Brilliance is why it's all the sadder that it's a f'ing cartoon (or whatever the appropriate term is for the medium). Even with ridiculously star-studded casts, shows like this will forever be less effective and certainly less relatable than what-would-certainly-be-an awesome show starring Arnette, Sedaris, Brie. I…