
AD&D oddly enough was never scary to me. But I only had to look over my shoulder to see my dad looking disapprovingly at whatever I was playing. Eyes burning into my back, sorta disconcerting.

How do you afford your faux-ROM-board baller lifestyle? =)

Nice flourish, Plunkay. Got me from Twitter to here.

Driving a shiny Mustang convertible into the mountains of Puerto Rico and letting the cool air be the A/C, followed by descending into San Juan, bumper-to-bumper in 90 degrees, and Puerto Ricans looking at us like we were batshit crazy.

omg, this is why I’m not a software engineer or social media ace or really all that good at gaming (and my skate/snowboarding kinda sucks and I’m getting fat), but that’s a fantastic idea. People could pore over your footage and figure out your playstyle—and maybe a 15-minute delay would be more appropriate

That’ll be clearly harder when it gets to consoleland and Mixer+Twitch will both use your gamertag. But the first part is spot-on. That’s tough for Bluehole who clearly love the exposure, but this has always seemed like a Youtube game anyway. If that cuts into your Twitch revenue (or the warm glow of karma that you

You’re [hired].

Sheeeeeit, I didn’t need a link to this; I own it, and on vinyl no less, basically pristine.

I think the problem with including anything recent in a list, like Twenty One Pilots or Chainsmokers is: too soon. By 2020 we’ll say “Who is Chainsmokers and why are they on this otherwise pretty funny list?”

So you replace

I like this story, and I know it happens. Priorities is right.

And then China regretted it. Their one-child policy has been rescinded but... it’s too late. Their economy is already in decline. That statement may seem funny because it’s still growing, but they used to see double-digit growth and they never will again because they’re not adding enough to their population for

This is the only cover I’ve considered buying since the Commodore days. Sweet looking.

Wow. Is everyone holding off for Christmas releases? ‘cause this is underwhelming.

“‘Black,’ you see, is an old euphemism in my mother tongue for ‘incorrigible, contrarian, malcontent soul who cannot be made to submit, be controlled, tutored, or cannot be subjected to do light housework,’ and then there’s the other use, ‘negro,’ so I’m sure you’ve totally misunderstood our Eastern ways and

I never got in on PSN’s ‘Home’ so I had only the 360 avatars to go by and they were kinda disappointing. Was never sure why you couldn’t walk them among plazas, arcades, seek out like-minded players and party up to play some COD or a hand of poker or go-kart race or whatever—kinda like being at The Tower in Destiny

New pilot emerging...

Thank goodness for that tag ‘cause the search continues for The Real Shark Humper.

There are millions of stories in the Naked Front Range... this is a profoundly sad sort of one.

Don’t discount the addict personality... Obsession fulfilled while clearly harming your life is addiction, no doubt about that. What was the void in his soul? Is he not in intense psychotherapy and 12-step/recovery groups?

After I’ve blown out all of my lower joints, my much-improved cardiovascular performance will help w/ pushing my wheelchair into my 90s... and beyond.

Hahaha, after I saw the middle initial bit, yes indeed, that looks like a Magliozzi creation. I like to think they were Ray’s creation ‘cause Tom was such a genius in all other respects.

Love dem Dutch. If I get a do-over, I’d like to be born in Holland. And named ‘Erasmus.’ Can’t even imagine this kind of clowning in the US, not since Ali-Cosell anyway.