
Why is it that the radical left is always trying to co-opt sound strategy that has worked for centuries simply because a few Bernouts were too stoned to remember to vote? Hillary won the popular vote and lost a few states by an amount well within the margin of error. Even Jill Stein wanted a recount.

There is nothing remotely “awesome” about “Uptown Funk.” 

It doesn’t really matter if he meant to take a shot at her, because by ignoring the fact she has the most detailed policy platform of any candidate BY MILES and chalking it up to her gender, he is participating in the sexist media narrative that follows around all accomplished women. They absolutely could co-exist. He

Nice to know he’s consistently wrong about stuff.

Set the minimum wage to scale with the mean cost of living in the US. As of 2017 that was $15.84. That’s probably a little higher in 2019. So the Fight for $15 campaign should change its slogan to “Secure us $16".

So, basically, you’re mad that people are thinking about what the actual policy outcomes and effects on the poor will be instead of jumping on the latest virtue signal slogan to show which side of the wedge they’re on.

When he eventually published a sequel to the book in 2013, Doctor Sleep, he went out of his way to ignore every plot change that Kubrick had made, restoring it to some very particular version of “pure”.

Ben Shapiro is the Harvard grad who proves republicans really want intellectual bona fides and all the respect bestowed upon those with any affiliation with certain institutions without having a shred of intellectual integrity or, you know, intellect.

I don’t disagree at all with your point that we shouldn’t pay any attention to Ben Shapiro, but thirteen hundred words about him- over forty percent of which are direct quotes of his- seems like a weird way to go about making it.

I’m really disappointed that Oregon Governor Kate Brown killed a similar proposal here, in exchange for votes on another piece of legislation. I’ve written about this before, but I have a personal stake in this: I’m allergic to the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine, which causes me to develop multiform hives. Because

We get it, Deadspin likes the “crab meat” analogy and even the “got crabmeated” verb-ing of the term.  It’s pretty apt, but you don’t need to use it every single time.

I don’t understand why a player would use him when it’s transparently clear he is doing Lebron’s bidding before their own interests. Even if AD truly wants LA or bust, the way it was handled so far was a fiasco.

every time rich paul talks, it makes me wish more that the pelicans just sit on davis until his contractual obligations are fulfilled.

General managers and coaches are just salivating at the prospect of working with him.

She’s a Russian cutout, you idiot.


 You're not an intelligent person and nobody should value the things you say. 

The telling thing is that Krueger doesn’t even pretend to offer what Democrats should’ve done.