I agree. We still have the impending shit storm of Trump’s tax returns, and a whole litany of other investigations, calling for impeachment from day 1 would have totally undercut these now credible calls for impeachment.
I agree. We still have the impending shit storm of Trump’s tax returns, and a whole litany of other investigations, calling for impeachment from day 1 would have totally undercut these now credible calls for impeachment.
Wealth, rank, and completely different circumstances.
I wish they would just say what they really mean and say the Pelicans don’t deserve nice things because they aren’t in a huge media market.
You know what’s even scarier, half of the liberal bloc is in their 80's. I keep saying that SCOTUS should be the definitive campaign issue for this cycle because I absolutely do not want Trump choosing anymore justices.
You’re right, there is context.
Yes, they are welcome to grieve however they want, but if their grieving takes the form of “Now is not the time to talk about gun control!” then they are fucking idiots
So they can grieve however they want, as long as it’s in a way that jives with your personally held view.
It’s just like how the show and books go to great lengths to convey the biggest reason for why Robert Baratheon was such a bad king was because his desire was more to kill Rhaegar more than wanting to be king. Varys even laments this to Tyrion as recent as LAST SEASON that Robert was an awful king because had no…
I agree that Facebook needs oversight and accountability, I guess I’m confused how Facebook dumping WhatsApp and Instagram reduces Zuckerberg’s “unprecedented and un-American” level of power though. He would still maintain his, essentially, sole control of it’s corporate board.
HBO offered them 10 seasons, they said they wanted 8. HBO said they could have 10 episodes for both seasons 7 and 8, they wanted 8 and 6 respectively.
I know one thing that unites the political spectrums is dunking on CNN, but monetary policy, which the Fed manages, is a lot different than economic policy, which is what CNN hired him to discuss.
but if you don’t know your opponent’s force size or capabilities, it’s a little tough to try to plan that out
Do you really think Alabama is going to elect a Senator that will vote “the right way” according the Splinter comment section?
I think this is a smart move, Mueller said that there are 11 other cases being investigated by various US attorney’s offices, and we all know Trump’s taxes will inevitably be revealed. Having impeachment already in the conversation when more shit comes out is actually a pretty shrewed move. So of course the Dems won’t…
When Gruden got hired, one of my Raider loving coworkers sincerely thought that Gruden would take them to the Super Bowl.
Isn’t that single-payer?
This was my favorite exchange in that story the Washington Post ran about them last summer:
There are a lot of good arguments for Medicare for All—like that no one should suffer or even die because they can’t afford healthcare, for example