
It’s crap like this that eats me alive. I’ve spoken several times on this site whenever stories like this come up. I’ve spoken how the State of Alabama attempted to extend I-85 from Montgomery to the Mississippi/Alabama state line that would have wiped out a multitude of farms, neighborhoods and communities, and

and BMW said they’d never have a FWD car

Seriously. How much of the south’s economic growth is simply due to greater willingness of their state governments to abuse their populace for the sake of money? All you have to see is issues like the water crisis in Mississippi to think the answer is probably “a lot”.

It’s a feature, not a bug. Why do you think they locate their plants in the "business friendly" South?

Ferrari said they’d never do it too. 

It’s also got an interior that makes every other car look about as fancy as a Lada. It’s basically Pagani or this if you’ve gotta impress the oligarch’s daughter.

They’re not talking about summer jobs here...

Or yanno, not force literal children to work their childhoods away.

Doing a 1/4 test with a Chiron is fun, but not what that car is about. That car is about how quickly it demolishes 100-200. It’s about how it’s still pulling hard at 200+ mph.

Responsible for much of the supply of young, relatively healthy, used hard only once internal organs too! Bonus! The worst car is a lot better for crashing than the best bike...

I love these videos. Watched this one last night and was audibly gobsmacked (had to apologize for waking my wife)... but in general ALL of the Hagerty videos that Cammisa is doing are pretty top-notch. The production on the drag races is pretty fantastic and they’re all worth checking out.


But can the Sapphire set $44 billion on fire as fast as the Plaid? 

I’m constantly amazed at how many people feel the need for a giant interior. Like, are you having a ton of car sex? Do you routinely change seats without getting out of the vehicle? For me once I’m in the seat, as long as I can move my arms around and have headroom I’m good.

That, and shit-tier sex ed.

Or you could just name them all George.  Assuming you had made a living by getting concussions and inhaling grease smoke.

Here we are in 2022 with a 7500 RPM, 100 hp/l “regular” Mustang.

How many broken promises can a guy make before the shareholders ask the board to remove him? Im sure it’s full of lackies, but how can he argue this is in the best fiduciary interest of the company?

Here is to hoping that Elon has a similar experience at some point in the future.

The headlight/turn signal is dumb and the hood vents are ugly.