Mr. Douchebag

Now, all we need are the T800s and Skynet's launching and we're good to go [away]!

This is a Starred Commenter-worthy record of gaming. I can now feel better about not getting a Star on Kotaku because I wouldn't deserve it if I did get it.

I believe the rise of widely-available online multiplayer plays a role in the decline of the "ended" game.

...because you were going to buy them anyway. Why give away for free what people are willing to pay for?

I agree that the defeatist attitude isn't a good look but as another commenter stated earlier on a related article post, HP seems to be giving up on more than just webOS.

It's really hard to argue with that logic - especially with the outcome being what it is.

She would have been better off with a box of candy bars.

Heartclick-worthy comment.

You are aware that we're talking about junk food and ice cream, right? It's pretty obvious that these ingrates are stupid but that stupid? I have some (cautious) doubts about that.

As an individual with dark skin, I hate it when other dark-skinned people complain about stereotyping and racial profiling.

I don't think this problem is prevalent anymore. I have had my HTC Touch Pro2 for at least 18 months and the hinge is just as potent as the day I purchased it. Too bad I can't say that about the rest of the device's features.

For some people, vagina is hard to come by. There must be a way for them to exercise their "peens" - electronic though they may be.

Very well-said. +1

Ha! Well-played either way. I am late reading your reply but it brought a smile to my face anyway.

Simply because it's made by Samsung. That alone makes it inferior. I made the mistake of purchasing their mobile products in the past and learned the hard way. My dad wanted to form his own decision instead of heeding my warnings. He learned the hard way. My cousin bragged about her Samsung device and how well it

I understand your point. However, this isn't about Gingerbread. This is about Samsung's piss-poor support of their devices.

I disagree since Samsung withheld the 2.2 update from all of the carriers on their Galaxy S models.

I was too...

This is issue has very little to do with the differences between the updates. Rather, it's the fact Samsung doesn't update in a timely fashion.

That makes little sense since Verizon also offers better options for less. I am thinking the manufacturer is behind the subsidized price of this device.