@OCEntertainment: I hear you. I believe that tendencies are exactly that - what you're likely to do or feel in different situations.
@OCEntertainment: I hear you. I believe that tendencies are exactly that - what you're likely to do or feel in different situations.
@OCEntertainment: Some people take it that way but it's supposed to be an outline - not a manual.
@OCEntertainment: ...there won't be as Myers-Briggs results actually come from real research about a person's tendencies.
@texasbrownie.com: Well, your friends are a reflection of self. I wouldn't down the people that choose to abstain from foul language. I believe that is a virtue - a virtue I don't not presently share with them at this time.
@Kitsune Hazard: Well, you can let someone perform surgery on you the 'ol Mayan way.
@el_alienx: I had some dope tell me his sign is true because they are known as "loving" people - as if everyone else born in other time periods could possible be described as "loving".
@Chernobyl: 'Hearted while lying in wait...
@Tetsuooooooo: ...and you get a fucking heartclick, you... you... what are you?
@texasbrownie.com: Beat you to it - Posted on Facebook.
Dear Sam Biddle,
@Silellak: I especially agree with the "too little" part.
@Bauss: I agree with you all the way up to your last premise.
@Jaggers: absofuckinglutely
@OCEntertainment: Oh, absolutely! My father decided he was going to get the Epic 4G until I found out that Samsung and Sprint completely dropped the ball on the Galaxy device.
@HJTravels: I like your snark but mixing true statements with sarcasm can be confusing...
@honeylamb7: Why not turn the screen off when taking/making a call?
@freediverdude: I don't think your statement is flame-worthy.
@phatdog44: ...maybe they want to make sure your fingers aren't banging into each other when playing games that require both to be in use at the same time.
@Captain K'nuckles: The only thing we can hope for now is that the newer battery technologies come to market in time for the release.
@MrCheatachu: That was a sticking point to MetroPCS' advertising when they first started spreading like colon cancer.