@RaindropBebop: You, my friend, get a motherfucking heartclick.
@RaindropBebop: You, my friend, get a motherfucking heartclick.
@Xultar: I can't stop crying no matter how hard I try. I haven't felt this bad in a long time.
@JakeMG: Andy-pocalypse: Yes
@delos: In many ways, I am glad you don't understand. That means your life has some sort of joy in it.
@DarwinBC: I disagree. Look around and you will see many, many people coming forward to share their pain. This is necessary.
@Eddard: A-fucking-men dude.
@wobblesmith: You have no idea how right you are in some senses.
@topsully: You must understand this:
Words cannot describe the feelings this conjures up.
@robelirobban: You're missing the point. The concept of smelling good without the soap/shampoo is the point.
@niuri_cigarete: Have you thought of the possibility that the hormonal imbalance can be caused by the chemicals you put on or in your body?
@Michael Button: Subtracting these things from your life would not improve your standard of living.
@alinemricci: Yeah. There are times I go through self-reflection and ask myself how I would deal without certain amenities and many times, I wonder how I got by without many of the things I rely on.
@Nicholi: Find out what went into the pot and what animals you ate that might cause those issues.
@Nicholi: Diet is a major factor. What you eat comes out in your pores. Are you eating chemically-processed crap? Drinking alcohol? Smoke cigarettes? Answer yes to any of these questions and you'll likely find the source of your odor.
@OswaldPerseus: Because people aren't reading the entire article.
@alinemricci: Women were able to live without soap before it was invented.
@niuri_cigarete: This guy said that he had problems with dandruff only when his hair was washed with shampoo.
@robelirobban: The dude did shower and shower often. He just did so with water.
@OCEntertainment: To think that there will be a day where we will think these specs are weak... Exciting times!