@Royal-Jonsun: I don't think anyone has looked at how horrible a movie title "eat pray love" is.
@Royal-Jonsun: I don't think anyone has looked at how horrible a movie title "eat pray love" is.
@The Intangible Fancy: Weird. I said this at near-verbatim yesterday...
@The Intangible Fancy: Affirmative
@mindray: That was not a knock on anyone struggling anywhere. I am unemployed in NYC. I volunteered for a not-for-profit in Brooklyn for a year. These are people that haven't seen money going back generations.
@Euclidean: Absolutely not - and that's no knock on TN. I just cannot survive outside NYC.
@Yeah!: Understood. Please forgive me as I am not very cultured.
@Yeah!: Isn't that still more than $350USD?
@JakeMG: Ω Man: Wow... What I would do to pay $900 per month for a living space I actually own as opposed to paying $1,225 for a place I don't...
@FriarNurgle: Now, you know you ain't right!
@Christian Lindfors: My thoughts exactly. I can only imagine what mindray would think if he/she spent some time in Brooklyn or The Bronx.
@FotoGi: If they were that profitable, they may have been trying to avoid a big mess they set up for later on.
@SophT: I have not chosen a default launcher. I leave them all open and switch back and forth easily and seamlessly.
@SophT: I haven't set any one of them as a default and there is no lag. I leave them all open and switch back and forth easily.
My preliminary feelings are good about this game so far.
One of the things I love about using the Evo is the option to have a bunch of launchers without having to choose a default.
@Mister_Roboto: So very well-played sir.
@Mister_Roboto: So very well played sir.
@paravorheim: Yeah... I just can't heartclick, promote, or edit my comments. I hope that becomes possible eventually.
@rebelduck37001: Well, you can but chances are you'd be seen as a douche. :D