Ace McCloud®

Thankfully TweetDeck has a mute feature. Can't wait to filter out everything Emmys related.

Haven't watched True Blood this season since the third episode, knowing this show I can watch the finale tonight and not be confused because what does this show know about development ? Farewell True Blood, you could have been something special.

I enjoyed it, I'm excited for this Doctor's run and to see where the show goes. Way too many feels seeing/hearing Matt Smith tonight..damn you to hell Moffat !!!!



Damn straight.

Whoa. S/o to you and dailymotion, never knew she did anything nude, she has a very nice body.

I love it all hundred times.

I hope Louie comes back with music too.

Broad City. Easily.



I watch Seed, completely legal guys, and I actually kind of love it. Cast is solid and there's some pretty funny moments. Worth the watch if you haven't heard of it.

Thanks for your input, Harry.

I'm looking forward to it, I'm a big FX fan too and I generally enjoy all of their shows. Plus you throw in Guillermo del Toro and I'm on board.

Who says it won't be good ? You might watch it, love it, and completely disagree with this review.

Fuck you Fox, fuck you straight to hell. I'll miss this show.


Fair enough. I like the cast and think it has potential but first three episodes were mehhhh nd the rest are on my DVR.

I stopped watching around episode three. Would you suggest to me, or anyone really, that they watch/get caught up this show ?