
I really want this to be great. This may be the last original Final Fantasy that I play - whether or not it’s good. My family and career have practically removed me from this past-time and it gets more difficult to play any titles. I bought most of the major releases last year and haven’t played more than a couple

Pretty much. Roth must not be that big of a fan. This seems like someone took a couple hours to scan Souls 2 and then decided they were qualified.

Art style completely misses the target. Seems more like cheaply made 80's cartoon. Out of all the drector’s I’d want associated with this franchise, Roth is not one of them.

I’m waiting to play Grimdawn. Bought it weeks ago, but haven’t found the time to play it yet. Adulting is no bueno.

I clicked on the link with the sole goal of seeing how someone made Johnny 5.

Perhaps you will end up not liking them. I was a little reluctant when XCOM EU was about to release, considering the last isometric game I played was Septerra Core, over a decade ago. I gave it a shot and it was phenomenal.

Not enough “You Died”. Chalk board should have cut her in half, or perhaps the eraser has teeth. Maybe the chalk itself is actually arsenic.