
I know I’m preaching to the choir, but it is dumbfounding, even by Trump’s normal standards of fuckery, as to the degree he is continually dying on THIS hill.

The soup he was reduced out of consisted of sociopathy, narcissism and dunning-kruger in roughly equal parts.

It’s funny; you’re the first person I’ve seen voice this opinion. I know there’s a lot of love for the series, and I read The Gunslinger thinking it was meant to be the best, purest entry in the series, from which a lot of weird comes. But yeah, it was a slog, and by the end I didn’t see the point.

If it was an intro, you should go back now after being far more familiar with King. It's insanely satisfying seeing him turn his random tendencies into thematic elements.

I loved Insomnia and read it when it first came out and have since listened to it in audio form another couple of times. But my all time favourite, I think, is The Talisman! I read it twice and have listened to it in audio form another two or three times. I even did a series of paintings a few years ago as I listened

I really, really love the ending of the Dark Tower series but the last 2 books felt very rushed. I almost wish he’d go back and re-write those last 2 at the proper pace. He was justifiably terrified of dying after his accident and I think he felt an obligation to finish the series before he was dead. Kind of like the

A military lifer friend of mine posted his first criticism of Trump over this policy last night. He’s been dry humping the guy for 3 years.

Well, sure - he wants to get his share, so he goes after it.

Maybe she just means he can smell it from miles away, like ticks or mosquitoes with CO2.

These suggestions aren’t bad, per se, but I feel like they aren’t very realistic. I’m sure they work well in the test kitchen, but some of these would simply never work in my house.

I tried with this show, because I’m a big fan of Mindy, but none of the actors seem to have any chemistry together and it doesn’t seem very funny.

If I only watch one episode of Four Weddings And A Funeral, it will probably be the pilot, because I am not just going to drop into the middle of a serialized show that has all prior episodes available like a goddamn lunatic.

Trump doesn’t support discrimination so he won’t take up a bill because it would prevent conservatives from discriminating? That is some Olympic level mental gymnastics.

See, this is a more national-based version of central planning, where the government, though it might give orders, would allow the owners to become wealthy and powerful, because they’re winners. So it’s not really socialism, it’s sort of “state capitalism” with a powerful strongman in charge.

Better than the other hat in his locker.

We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. 

Yes, because the outrage directed at her was totally genuine and based on what she actually said. /s

I mean, I wouldn’t give this question half a brain cell either.  I can't stand this series

I love that the greatest fantasy for conservative Christians is the fall of civilization so they can start murdering the unclean heathens.

I’d rather have Brian Bosworth’s mullet, thank you very much.