Yeah, some of those shows are great. I think it’s probably a lot harder to do live sketchs.
Yeah, some of those shows are great. I think it’s probably a lot harder to do live sketchs.
I feel some pressure to invite a bunch of my kids’ friends to their birthdays, but I’m pretty sure they’d be fine if we trimmed the list down to a few best friends.
Exactly. I think writing for that format is not comparable to writing sketches.
I think it might be harder to write 1.5 hours of funny sketches per week. I haven’t watched SNL in a few years, but I think the Weekend Update stuff is more consistently funny than the sketches.
I agree. And a lot of holidays tend to involve hours of sitting around. I’m generally fine missing half a day of that and just enjoying the good parts.
How much do they pay SNL writers?
This discussion is about which political party supports freedom, in any meaningful sense of the word. You seem to think that authoritarian government is more free than having a majority Democratic government think the country is becoming too Hispanic and bosses/landlords should be allowed to harass…
A lot of travel sites have an option to see prices for different departure and return days. It’s a useful feature.
I think there’s a plausible reading of James’s deeply terrible take that’s not rooted in greed. I think he might have been motivated by some misguided desire not to criticize a different culture.
Does that mean you are fine with locating and deporting recent migrants?
True. Also: Dump that dude for being too dumb to clear his history/use private browsing.
The principle behind your suggestion for trans bathroom access appears to be making sure sure nobody gets what they want. I don’t understand that goal.
In summation, if you dont want to reduce the inflows, if you think deportations are generally wrong. And, after years of ignoring the problem, you believe the solution is just to grant citizenship to all the illegal migrants, then you are for unlimited immigration.
Quite the opposite, I am pointing to current policies, practices and principles that are implementing effectively unlimited immigration right now and in the recent past.
Weren’t Sam and Dean manipulated a lot during the apocalypse plot of the first 5 seasons? I don’t remember if Chuck/god was absolved of that in the lore. Was it all Michael trying to start the apocalypse? Did the angels go rogue on a lot of stuff all the way back to biblical times?
You’re right, THAT is the dumbest controversy and anyone who pushes it has a box of rocks for a brain.
Feedly is useless without an internet connection. That’s a big flaw.
The White House isn’t ordering State to destroy that phone? That’s what I’d expect from these lawless bozos.
I’m sure some people are able to squint and convince themselves that Trump’s Syria pronouncement makes sense. But nobody can approve of this (lack of) process.
I think that would galvanize the opinion of the Chinese people against the NBA. It would be better to try to separate the actions of the Chinese government from China itself.