Well you failed to mention Super Smash Bros: Melee. (Which is is by and large, a selling point t for the console itself.) In fact, that and double dash were basically the point to owning a game cube in the first place.
Well you failed to mention Super Smash Bros: Melee. (Which is is by and large, a selling point t for the console itself.) In fact, that and double dash were basically the point to owning a game cube in the first place.
Have you ever tried reading the font in Tekken 6? pretty hard to do, even on a 27 inch screen.
“The 12 best games for switch” there are only twelve games for the switch! Come back in a few months after Mario Oddysey comes out, there should be more games by then.
Come to think of it... How is any of this s’post to hurt the people who protest this kinda activity? Really, I’m confused why Christians would have a problem with dragoncon.
I was about to say the Mario and sonic at the Olympic games, but Sonic (in my eyes.) Has reeeealy lost his way somewhere after & Knuckles.
I thought I heard a rumor that Michael Jackson composed the songs for the original sonic games. (Then again... You never could tell what was or wasn’t bull pops on the internet.)
I thought I heard a rumor that Michael Jackson composed the songs for the original sonic games. (Then again... You never could tell what was or wasn’t bull pops on the internet.)
Heh, if I wasn’t so torn between this, and Dust an Elysian tail, I would get this in a heartbeat.
Ah, just what I was about to point out. Yes, I also think Einhander is over duo for a remaster. I only ever had a demo to einhander, but it sure was awesome what I remember.
I’m not finding any amusement in Life in Aggro anymore... Reasons for why that is are