
I’ve never really been sure if my absolute love of the old museum aesthetic is resultant of that book, or vice versa. Going to have to pull it off the shelf tonight!

When I was a kid there was a big ol’ model Triceratops on the Washington Mall in front of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. You wee able to climb on it until the climbing destroyed it. :-(

“Romphim.” Took me a moment. Then I realized I very much wanted to experience sitting awkwardly across from you in dim pub, waiting for your hand to touch mine without my permission — and that led to the realization that I was non-consensually applying my hetero-normative sexuality to you, so... I stopped. “Romphim”

I like this take. Then again, I’m also of the opinion that cell phone frequencies should all be locally jammed at movie theatres and theatre-theatres, so...

When do you think this dipshit ever had need to prime a pump? I’d lay serious money that he couldn’t even spit out the rudiments of how a toilet flushes, or why water towers exist.

I recently caught his cabaret show Alan Cumming Sings Cheesy Songson PBS... hes a goddamned delight (and was the perfect Nightcrawler, my favourite X-Man, in X-2).

I read through the thread to make sure this wasn’t going to be a repeat comment: don’t forget DeGrasse’s control of the Chesapeake which led to Lafayette’s successful blockade/siege of Cornwallis at Yorktown! (Yeah, yeah, Rochambeau and Washington were there, too. As a kid, my two heroes from the American Revolution

Days late and dollars short to this thread, but your comment reminded me of one of my favourite Jorge Luis Borges shorts, “A Dialogue About A Dialogue.” Thanks!

I’m pretty sure the march for climate science is this coming weekend. This is not snark or jest.

One of my best friends, who is so Caucasian he damn near fluoresces (wife is the same), replies with, Well, did you know about a third of all children born these days are Asian? We decided its a chance were just not willing to take.For clarity: thats not a real statistic, and hes not remotely racist; the point

Fuckin’ Jocks, amirite?!

I understand your point. Yes, we live, effectively, in an plutocratic oligarchy. The results of the 2016 Electoral College vote are the best ever reason presented for doing away with the EC altogether (see Federalist #68)... but it was the civilian populace who — by voting, protest voting, or not voting at all —

While I LOVE the idea of subverting and weaponizing crummy institutions like employer-employee healthcare and marriage (you make good points!), you are assuming that you don’t have assets to split — which is unlikely, given the assumption of “good insurance” — and that the other party doesn’t lawyer up. The first time

So, I see a lot of your respondees assume wrongly that were all war-mongering psychopaths that want blood and guts and veins in our teeth. That is not entirely the case. We put up with it because we have to, because we live in a nation where the civilians elect the leadership, and therefore have control over us.

Lots of us want this... especially since my gf dictated quite clearly that I was not allowed to get the vasectomy that I very much desire.

Everyone here has some measure of solid advice, but this comment is the key. Everything sounded great as long as it was enacted consensually, up until the “unconscious” and “choking until unconscious” part. You can safely throttle down the oxygen going to your partner’s brain to induce greater euphoria (erotic

To my everlasting regret my first wedding was a destination wedding in a not-inexpensive area. I tried to be super clever in the invitation about how I worded the desire not to have gifts... and apparently failed spectacularly. It is one of the most massive personal embarrassments of my life, even more so than the

The most ridiculous thing about this is that it in no way precludes adultery. Most of the time when I am fortunate enough to find someone agreeable to the idea of mutually on-getting our bone... neither food nor booze are involved.

I’m not an art historian, but I’m not sure a pieta is the right comparison here — feels much more like a Flagellation or a Crucifixion, if we’re talking about Italian Renaissance painting... maybe even more accurately a Martyrdom of <pick your saint here>? If you actually mean Classical, I definitely see more of a

At the very least take them to work and hastily scrawl on an 8.5/11 sheet that you thieve from the copier: Free Cookies. Likely safe. Eat at own risk.