Account Reset

From an Information Security standpoint, this seems like a terrible idea. Shouldn't everything for military purposes go through strict accessibility procedures? What happens when foreign armies use the same training tactics as the US? — couldn't that pose a possible threat? possibly something in the article I missed;

This is the worst post I have seen on Gizmodo.

"..And even his registrar couldn't figure out a good way around the hack that the engineer had devised to hold the site and its contents hostage."

Sweet.. i've been wanting to recover my stored Gmail password on my phone (as I have forgotten it and cannot access my account outside of my cell)

ASUS Eee Pad doesn't have any 3G/4G/HSPUA/GSM/CDMA radios.. different tablet.


Well, I'm not in the mood for flame war right now —-BUT it bothers me that Apple is the only manufacturer for any device that runs iOS (kinda creepy like). There is NO ONE ELSE like that anymore, every device manufacturer runs another's OS, and almost all (except iOS) other OS run on multiple devices, yes i think

people brag about this stuff? sheesh, I thought everyone bragged about EVERYTHING ELSE. their tweets and feeds and all their pooping and what they ate for dinner — thats all i hear about, really.

Apple ecosystem. :cough: cult :cough:

buying an iPhone 4 now(ish), and buying 1 on AT&T, people are stupid.

pr0n should not be watched on anything less than a 50" screen.

after these incidents you may not be so far off..

somebody promote this comment

yeah, WOW I haven't even seen a picture of one those in ages, ha memories.

nice to see people can close an image tag properly ;/

ehh if I developed this app I'd realize I need to stay away from the internet too.. good thing I don't have a Twitter, Foursquare, or Flickr account — call me behind the times, I call me not easily geolocated, oh and the last time I uploaded an image - was something I made in photoshop to deviant art about 4 years

This isn't new, A few cars a couple of years back actually ran some fork of the Symbian OS, leaving it vulnerable to similar viruses/Malware that attacked cellphones with the same OS.


you're retarded ..and it's 'can it run crysis 2?'