I’d suggest re-reading what I had previously mentioned: They have in fact delivered every single product promised. And no- missing timelines doesn’t mean you’ve failed.
I’d suggest re-reading what I had previously mentioned: They have in fact delivered every single product promised. And no- missing timelines doesn’t mean you’ve failed.
What haven’t they done that they promised?
The “doom and gloom”ers will still be around.
I think its because there’s a lot of people who just love hating Tesla and publications probably realize that. Trash sells.
Wish the financial throwaway journals were held to the same fiduciaries as companies are, there’s been so much nonsense reported about Tesla finances lately. They’re sitting on 3 Billion dollars. With a B. And selling cars faster than they can make them. If you read Bloomberg you’d think they were days from…
For those who may not be familiar with the terms used...
Why don’t they just make the tires soft enough to require a pit stop or two. This will make the cars faster and add back strategy.
Since this would absolutely KILL my OCD and that of many others, why don’t manufacturers just “Spinal Tap” this shit and call 80%, 100%? This way, you are fully charged, and can simply call that extra 20% “reserve charge”, or something like that?
Yeah, we invaded and annexed Mexico in 1836, and we’ve seized and held part of Cuba illegally since 1959 and been using that as a torture camp. Our moral high ground is pretty sketchy there.
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
Yeah dude, I like geeking out about the potential the future has. A lot of people on Jalopnik shit on electric cars and Elon and I don’t get it. Your hobby would be more boring without Elon. I find Jalops like to be very critical of the cutting edge, yet they pine for the cutting edge of 20 years ago like sweet 90's…
Thanks. This “Elon Musk, who hasn’t fixed the Model 3 yet...” business is ugly and getting old.
OK, so it’s not the latest Microbus, but here’s another sign that Volkwsagen’s moving swiftly to electrify its fleet…
Just because things are happening at a slower rate than he initially stated doesnt negate the fact that they are well beyond what anyone else has been able to bring to market. Nobody is denying that he may be a bit ambitious in his promises, but really, clinging to that as your main critique seems to be throwing the…
The Tesla Roadster, unexpectedly, is back. The specs that Tesla are claiming verge on the unbelievable. Top speed of…
The case could be made that the original Volkswagen Beetle is the most iconic car ever made. Its modern versions,…
While driving on California’s 880 freeway near Tesla’s Gigafactory, reader Fernando happened to see an unusual SUV…
When Hillary Clinton took the stage as the party’s nominee at the Democratic National Convention, it was already a…
The problem is we do not have any BVR weapons that fit in the F35.... Plus in close the T-50 will most likely have more agility then the F35. The F35 losses on both of these counts.
These two missiles should be the other way around.