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Use pornstars as test subjects. They would be perfect for your test.
In Serbia there is a team that used 3D printers to make bones from corn starch based plastic, which they say is perfect scaffold for growth of stem cells. As they grow they dissolve and replace the plastic leaving a normal bone. Article in serbian…
Lenin?! You mean Nikita Khrushchev. Lenin died in 1924.
Dave Winer you are overreacting.
I see this as a chance to replace crude oil in petrochemistry, you know plastics and stuff ->
Jalopink had a story on a same thing (fuel from CO2) made by Audi. Link
How about Bloom energy fuel cell ;) Apple and eBay are going to use their energy servers.
Hey Everyone (in USA): Stop Giving a Shit About Naked Boobs Already
Thank you very much for your explanation.
Fog? In Dubai? Fine dust... maybe.
Absolutely true. Late SJ was an "a**hole" for a reason a very good reason ... It just worked seamlessly.
Anodizing aluminum involves dyeing.
I disagree about aeroplanes (term "flying car" makes no sense to me), even today planes are mostly flying on autopilot so i guess in the future all you will need is to tell the autopilot where you want to go and it will take you there. I also think it will look like X-hawk
I really like these kind of articles from DisplayMate Technologies, they do a very good job.
I think it will look like their Dragon Dictate 3 for MAC ;)
And what was the "lure"?
Radar imitator that I posted is 25 year old tehnology and is still useful (even against HSCM) if used in the right way of course ;)
Something like this was used to throw of HARM's in 1999 with great success, a radar imitator it costs 100$ to make an can be used in large numbers. More at
"Automatic color adjustment to sunlight glare" looks a lot like "Assertive Display tech"