
That lamp spawned a lot of my favorite lines:

TBS (I think) airs it for 24 hours around the holidays and my father tries to watch most of those 24 hours. Luckily, my mom stopped him from buying a reproduction of the leg lamp for my wedding present (he was dead set on getting it too).

The writer also included a translation in the article...

I bet that made one helluva sound... especially when combined with a construction site full of workers shitting themselves.


I don't think solstice means what you think it means...

I work with this guy - he parks like this all the time.

I had to load this up on my phone to see your image. That's... uhmmm... very interesting. Free sounds about right as far as pricing goes, but I bet the little Geo is more fun than would be expected.

If the work were done better, I would have a hard time disagreeing with you. Done correctly, it could be similar to that drift truck that buildthreads featured a while back, but this just seems so half-ass that you're probably going to spend more time fixing it than enjoying it... or hiding from people as you drive it

Maybe you could finish that horrid chrome spray-job on the engine and spark plug wires. It's too classy not to finish. Maybe install a turbo to go along with the emblem as well... and I could just keep going.

54 votes for NP? Show yourselves and explain, please.

Gibbs hasn't finished it yet... has he?

I didn't have time to look at the build thread yet... but extra Jalop points if it was constructed in a basement.

I actually stopped my truck and walked over to look closely at the first Vehicross that I saw in the wild. It's just a very unique-looking vehicle.

Thanks! Glad I could entertain someone.

I laughed... I didn't want to... but I couldn't help it.

I'm going to go see if my boss will do this.

"No penetration" he says with a smile... can't imagine that makes him too popular with the ladies.

Don't let Hardigree see that VehiCross. I really like those weird little autos.