
Those "white wall tires" are custom-made cheaters.

My German teacher used to call it Deutlich...

So for the Jalops who already know about RWB - what is your favorite car? I'm personally torn between Rough Rhythm and Stella Artois.

Obvious troll is obvious. Why do you hang out here again?

The truck pictured was mentioned on's forum on a post about sleeper cars, but I've yet to see a build thread. They seem to really enjoy sleeper cars over there.

I've seen a '57 Chevy raise the front wheels pretty good before, and it was packing at least a 468 BBC. The suspension and drivetrain were pretty far from stock, but it didn't look too crazy... the sound it created is a different matter, however.

You actually made me laugh out loud with the pirate comment. Now my co-workers think I'm more mentally off-balance than they did this morning... not that I needed any help.

I couldn't help myself. I'm sure that they will enjoy the extra calls though.

Ian Jones

Now that I've sidetracked myself, I nominate this for the first column. It looks like a stock truck, but the guy did the quarter in 10.2 seconds on stock Firestones.

I like the way you're thinking. Nobody would be the wiser... until it raises the front wheels under a hard launch.

I say that we band together and demand a Sleeper of the Week column. I know that's something that I would look forward to...

It would be hard to hide the sound when it's running, but seeing the looks on people's faces as you dust them off the line in your Volvo would be priceless.

Ever since I saw a kit for swapping a 302 into a Focus, I've wanted one of those... or the Banshee conversion for a Miata. Either one would be a fun way to slide through the gates of Heaven backward and on fire.

I would like it even more if it had a higher sleeper quotient.

If you have the means, I highly recommend it.

Go look up the triple burnout and all will be right with the universe once again. It always turns my frown upside down.

That would make way more sense. I bet he couldn't turn around at the end of that mile though...

I assume that the chunk o' wood is just there for the stationary shot, but I guess he could leave it in place for driving too.

The article states that it reached 35 mph at the airport (fully loaded for Guiness Records).