
We recently renovated our "fancy" theater here in Fort Wayne. I'm glad that it didn't fall into this level of disrepair... but it would be a damn cool place to park.

@Tommy861: I expected maybe 2... and those would just be for shits and giggles... 11 is getting worrying.

@milkplus: I just want to know why... also, I want them to leave... but we won't tell them that part.

That's so bizarre to hear the guy yelling "I"m in 4th, running 300 RPM." Also, this thing is awesome. Anything that requires goggles and spits fire is all win in my book.

This is going to be the biggest landslide in NPRCP history.

@ummmmV8: When I showed up at the wrecking yard and inquired as to my Jeep (I just wanted to get out some personal effects), the lady at the desk said, "Oh, the one that was on fire?" Uhmmmm... no... mine certainly wasn't on fire when I last saw it. No amount of apologies made me feel better that day. Beer helped

@ummmmV8: A tow yard totaled that Jeep by failing to disconnect the battery during towing; resulting in an engine fire. I'm still pissed about it. I liked the color, actually... bought it new.

@alextsmith: ...through the apocalypse while laughing as the zombies bounce off into the gutter.

@Shamoononon: WTF does that have to do w this? Also, why can I not stop staring at its weirdness?!

@alextsmith: I would drive that... through blizzards.

@ummmmV8: Is that a factory color?! I thought my Cherokee Sport in 'amethyst' was questionable...

Nicely done! It def made me snicker when I read in... while in a meeting.

@KnucklesTheDog: I saw it as pointing out the obvious, but to each their own. I'm not here to argue; I can see and appreciate your point of view. Kudos for being civil in our discourse.

Needs moar wood paneling... and cheater slicks.

@KnucklesTheDog: I just didn't find it interesting. So Ford was asked to make predictions and instead he made generalizations and said things that would make a politician proud as far as vagueness... bravo... I mean yawn.

@CorporateFelon: I've heard that they're saving Pussy Magnet for a special model name.

@doug-g: I hope you're right!

I should have taken the TL/DR approach to this posting.

Bugatti made failblog today for a Rap Yellow color... maybe it was faked though.