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    Psssh! What does Gizmodo know about design?

    Awesome, thanks!

    Another day, another site gets hacked.

    Well 60% of those games (mobile versions ie FFIII, GTA3) are already on Android

    Oh stop acting so immature about it, this just proves you know nothing about how the legal system works. They are suing back as a defensive maneuver.

    You do realize that most of the companies suing Apple are suing them because Apple sued them first.

    Just to point out, Samsung is the "biggest tech company", not Apple.

    Hey! TouchPad is great name!

    Nope, none are connected whatsoever, each has it's own independent storyline. That's why if they decide to make a sequel of a particular FF game using the same story and game world, they do something like Final Fantasy X-2, which is the sequel to Final Fantasy X, or for this example FFXIII-2, and the rumored FFXIII-3.

    Shouldn't a patent like that be invalidated? I mean it's extremely obvious and there definitely has to be prior art

    The Nexus 7 is a Nexus device.


    Really?I think we've known about this tablet for months

    It says 'Do not touch, statue Statue under construction' (from G+)

    It says 'Do not touch, statue Statue under construction' (from G+)

    To be fair, on what platform do Facebook apps NOT suck?

    Isn't the new Firefox for Android supposed to be announced tomorrow? (Yes same day as Google I/O).


    It's actually only a fixed rate of every 6 months where a new update is announced