
You folks spend all day imagining what people of my race, gender, and age will say. You never get it right. Is it impossible for you to just enjoy a movie, without having to hate somebody over it? Why do you even CARE what old white neckbeards say about Captain Marvel? Is it because you are brainwashed by i09 into

I walked out of this money maker with the exact same level of excitement as I did Thor 2.

I’m glad the trolls didn’t dent CM’s box-office, but I hope Marvel is listening to the nonpartisan critics who had valid problems with the movie. Just like Dr. Strange, this movie shows the vulnerabilities in Marvel’s filmmaking process. Where Dr. Strange’s main weakness was an over reliance on formula, turning the

Nah, dude. We’re going to sit here instead and pretend that this shitty movie is worth seeing because some neckbeards on Reddit decided to talk crap about it. Media journalism isn’t about promoting good stuff; it’s about promoting reactionary, tribalistic takes while gigantic Hollywood studios laugh all the way to the

trolling campaigns and half-hearted boycotts from small groups of disgruntled comic fans apparently can’t do a whole hell of a lot to move the needle in the face of the crushing power of a new MCU blockbuster.

Are you crazy or just easily entertained?

Honestly though, the American internet has lambasted her for her tattoo, but so what? It’s a few Japanese characters that say something funny about a charcoal grill. Why is that so upsetting? From all the news I read about it I found it more-so amusing than upsetting. It’s not like she had something racist or

unsurprisingly, the responses were 10000% less “senseless asshole” than the ones elsewhere, even on this very site.

My grandmother is japanese and Im half. I dont think its appropriation BUT her apparent teacher did lead her astray. You cant just take characters out, place them above or below and say they say the same thing. Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn because it has three different writing styles. Personally,

Hmm, where would any of our cultures be without influencing and imitating one another? All cultures adopt something from one another.

Thanks for writing this. I was infuriated the second I read “cUlTuRe ApPrOpRiAtIoN”. People complaining about this should be forgotten, not talked about on the internet. There’s nothing good about giving them attention, what’s the point when they are criticizing something so fucking idiotic?!

People feeling the need to report on, and care about, what a few busy-bodies on twitter are tweeting about needs to stop.  Those people will never stop being busy-bodies.  Before twitter they were mostly ignored.

The nonsense is only spread by americans. Other people either don’t give a shit or are happy to see you are wearing things of their culture. If you wore a shalwar kameez to Pakistan no one is going to be mad; they’ll be quite happy actually.

There are no serious ramifications when someone wears a japanese tatoo because they like the way the japanese characters look. What does that have to do with someone like Logan Paul being disrespectful when he is ALWAYS disrespectful wherever he goes? You guys are just making up things

It amazes me how racist/sexist/whateverelseist people are being in the name of inclusivity. It used to be a good thing, people sharing and enjoying other cultures. Now we barricade them off and essentially segregate cultures in the guise of inclusivity. It’s depressing how conservative Neo-liberals are.

Oh my fucking god. So getting Japanese characters tattoo’d on you is now cultural appropriation?

Get the fuck out of here.

Look, we’ve all laughed at those people who got a Chinese character tattoo that thought it meant “spirit” or something, but it instead meant “soup”. But thats about the extent of it. The person

I mean is it really our job to be outraged for the citizens of Japan when they seem to feel no outrage at this situation?

Uproar over cultural appropriation is BS 99% of the time. I think culture if too often conflated with ethnicity as well. It’s natural for culture to spread.

So what is Cultural Appropriation, really?

I like this one. It always seems like those not involved or affected in any way are the ones making the biggest stink about things. Im gonna go ahead and appropriate this quote.