
Again (like with the guy accusing Mark of being a dick to his friends) I think you are mistaken. I don’t want to spam video links, but between his numerous video dedications to 1000, 5000, 10000, etc subs, mail readings, reactions to others watching his videos, and his charity works; I really don’t think he is faking

Well I can think of one video you may be citing, the hair dying one; in which he is playing a role. The only other collabs I’ve seen was him and Cyndago doing the 7 second challenge one in which he doesn’t seem mean to them at all, and one in which they eat spicy foods and again, he seems pretty chill. Between living

Felix seems like a nice guy, but I really don’t think he’s amusing when it comes to spur of the moment; I’ve seen numerous live performances from him and he seems to trip over himself, miss his timing, and otherwise passively accept what’s being said without making humor of it. I obviously can’t riff on the most

It follows is really bad. The third act is an absolute mess, and there are many little details that conflict with established behavior/logic; It standing on their roof for a seemingly long time for no reason, The guy nonchalantly opening his door as It bashes it violently, even though everyone is SCREAMING at him not

Am I understanding this right; LoL gets roughly 25 million players PER DAY, and DOTA 2 is down to roughly 500,000 per day? How can that even be considered a competitor?

Oh my god this is the best reskin yet. I can’t believe how much I enjoy this!


Steam is out of control; Pushing unfinished games all over the front page (when most shouldn’t even be allowed to be sold), arbitrary refunding rules that inevitably benefit these broken POS, ineffectual review systems that can give games “Very Positive” for reviews like “From what i can gather from a short play

LOL, My hero. Edward Snowden did something that needed to be done, and then some; and I hope he acknowledges that he put the U.S and many of it’s military members at risk with what he did. But ever since that leak, he has done nothing but rub me the wrong way. Between his twitter bio and the way he is presenting

I’m honestly excited because the latest piece of Mass Effect content was Citadel, which was absolutely brilliant. Between the hilarious bit where you get locked in a vault and gab with your team mates for a few minutes before Shepard goes “This could be really bad unless I call the Normandy” and pic related; I’ll be

Well it still could/might happen with Andromeda; I think specifically it was along the lines of them wanting to expand the mythos and create a...franchise? IP? Whatever the entirety of Star Wars is, that’s what they were going for; books, games, movies, etc. Which, yeah, kind of led to the fact that Star Wars is a

Starred for an underrated movie

5 dollar Titanfall?

5 dollar Titanfall?

I love how angry you just made a lot of people.

I want this person to write every article everywhere; I could read this casual, engaging style of writing my entire life and still smile and chuckle at every other line.

Yeah and she “finds it” by dealing with with sketchy punks who mark up the price and fill it with stems and dirt weed. She begins to deal with these people on a regular basis as they are her dealers, and now she’s exposed to a whole group of drugs and people that even I was weary of at that age; because her brother

Uh, how? Those drugs are literally pure happiness so I’m not sure how that got twisted...Maybe you didn’t take the drug you thought you did?

I thought he was actually pretty amusing, he kind of captures the vibe well; though John Stewart and Stephen Colbert can never be replicated. I hate Larry Wilmore though; he is the most un-amusing bland man I’ve ever seen and I can’t believe people consider what he does comedy. He just reads, without inflection, what

Now playing

I figure this is the relevant place to put something like this; but Dunkey made a new league video saying he’s back and took it down, you can find it here. Not wanting stars but if this could at least get ungrayed so people can find it.