She now has a young son! She adopted the kitten in the video.
Gizmodo Media Group was just sold to a private equity group, soooo.… 😬
“You’ll need to keep the sink running since they don’t hold water” sounds terrible for the environment too.
“You’ll need to keep the sink running since they don’t hold water” sounds terrible for the environment too.
If Beto wanted to actually fucking HELP instead of just get more power and attention, he’d run for Texas Senator in 2020 against Cornyn, who doesn’t even have the name recognition and national attention that Cruz did. Instead Beto’s throwing away his shot on a Presidential bid and leaving the progressive Texans who…
Check out this link for an explanation of the different types of acne patches:
Check out this link for an explanation of the different types of acne patches:…
AfterEllen has also become a hotbed of TERFy transphobia, which is some disappointing bullshit.
Alvin or Jeanette, for Megan’s maternal grandparents. Solid classic English and French names! Middle name Washington, for the double U.S. F.U. of George and Booker T. Then the kid can use the gender-neutral nickname Wash.
I hope Britney can chill peacefully with her family and friends well into the Granny Britney stage of her late eighties.
I’m so upset that Jerry Orbach & Jesse L. Martin, best L&O partners and Broadway legends, were on Law & Order together for YEARS and NOT ONCE was there singing.
Fingers crossed that we see a resurgence of Imani Coppola’s “Legend of a Cowgirl!”
FYI, “gypped” is almost certainly a racial slur against Roma/“gypsies.” Try using “cheated”or similar instead.
Kudos to artist Jim Cooke for that weirdly tasty lollipop snake illustration!
The National Network of Abortion Funds is a US collective of local groups trying to make abortion access easier on a practical level, whether through help with payments or stuff like free transportation to a clinic. It may be worth checking out your local abortion funds to see if you can get help defraying the cost. …
So what you’re saying is that dogs will 100% be eating these shoes ASAP
So what you’re saying is that dogs will 100% be eating these shoes ASAP
A racist garbage human with poor grammar! Her original racist quote: “I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels [sic]”
I really appreciate that they have a category for Best Voice-Over Performance.
How deadly is this going to be when a toddler swallows it?
How deadly is this going to be when a toddler swallows it?