Abstractions of Chinchilla

And Agent Melinda May!

BTW, if y’all haven’t read The Unstoppable Wasp comic series starring Hope’s comics counterpoint, it is a DELIGHT and a joy to my heart. Marvel un-canceled Unstoppable Wasp in light of “Ant-Man and the Wasp”’s release, so everyone go read it so we can have more female Avenger adventures!

Hell yeah, A-Force!

If he REALLY wants to take 10 years off his face in days, let’s see how much he enjoys chemical peels. 

The only thing more uncomfortable for me than wearing a bra is NOT wearing a bra. ☹️

Make a Raptor Blue movie of this book!

Co-signed! Boo Diplo the sexist plagiarist! 

I’m certain that “Get engaged after <1 month of dating” is Chapter 1 in The BPD Bad Ideas Handbook. Is it ethical to hope that Pete has a therapist, that his therapist reads celebrity gossip, and that the therapist is right now furiously dialing Pete’s cellphone?

Same, Gal Gadot, same.

I’m okay with this because: more romantic lead Chris Pine.

I am shamlessly in favor of Identical Grandson Trevor or miraculous Chris Pine resurrection from the afterlife for Wonder Woman 2. I loved gentleman eyecandy romance hero Steve Trevor SO MUCH.

What a twist if he was dead all along and she’s been lovingly conversing with and kissing his rotting corpse.

Gritty reboot of this romcom?

Kesha has to record at least 2 and maybe as many as 6 more albums to fulfill her contract with Luke. She recorded songs for “Rainbow” at her own expense.


Especially if you don’t wipe off or clean the stick itself before you recap it.

Especially if you don’t wipe off or clean the stick itself before you recap it.

Mentioned in past Dirt Bag posts, no less!

if I’m playing in someone else’s sandbox, I try to be respectful of the spirit of their work. I’m no great shakes as a writer, but at the end of the day, I’d like to think I’ve made something that wouldn’t make the author violently ill if they stumbled across it.