Abstractions of Chinchilla

I love seeing celebrity & artist guests when I’m at conventions, but personally I’d feel lousy if I found out later that the celebrity had been gamely answering my audience questions while their family was sick or dying. I want the people making creative art I enjoy to be happy, y’know? On the other hand, some artists

I need to check last season’s antepenultimate episode and the crossover episodes to see if Nate was around when Mick told Amaya and Supergirl that he’d killed his entire family. Or maybe people assumed he was kidding about *killing his entire family.*

Agreed! Amaya and Zari make a fun pair. Plus I want Zari and Mick to join forces to teach Amaya valuable criminal skills like fighting dirty and stealing stuff.

I wonder if they’ll ever revisit this idea on the show, especially since “Mick was technically a time-traveling assassin for decades” never seems to come up in conversation.

Hey, without mechanic Jax on the team, they’re screwed the next time the Waverider needs an engine tune-up!

Mick grows on you, like a prickly yet lovable cactus.

I’ve read that about Miller, but dangit, I still hope that at some point he changes his mind and they welcome him back to the CW. Because as a Flash fan I know there are many many more stories about Captain Cold and the Rogues that could be told, but as a Cold fan I now don’t really want someone else taking over

Oh god, the scene with baby Snart made me actually cry. As did probably every scene of Mick and Snart interacting after their falling out, which was more heartbreaking than most TV romance breakups wish they could be. Wentworth Miller was inspired casting as Captain Cold.

I follow Katie Cassidy on social media because of “Arrow,” and I’ve felt really sad for her this week: from the news it was clear the end for David was near, and still Katie was needing to do work promo stuff like attending fan conventions. I hope she got to see David in time to say goodbye.

The Legends explorations of Mick and Leonard Snart’s damaged pasts, and how abusive upbringings shaped their lives, have given us some of the most emotionally powerful moments in the series. I’m really glad that they’re giving Mick growth as a character and Dominic Purcell more space to show his dramatic range.

Yeah, the “but what about JAPAN?!” derail there is such disingenuous bullshit and victim blaming. In Japan, the REPORTED rates of assault on women are low because women are TOO AFRAID TO REPORT.

Comics that depict the rape and subjugation of women are very, very popular in Japan. Yet Japan has a very low rate of actual violence against women. Do you feel, also, that all of those writers should be sacked and blacklisted?

My family rarely bothers to make rolls fresh at holidays because Sister Schuberts dinner yeast rolls are so freaking good. I can, and have, eat an entire bag of the rolls myself given the chance.

Bring on Pence; we’ll burn that bridge when we get there. We have to get 45 out before he starts a goddamn NUCLEAR WAR with his verbal diarrhea on Twitter!

The video that Grazia posted (before the apology) of the photoshoot is super weird. Did they edit out Lupita’s ponytail from the video, too???

To the left, to the left, all of Spacey’s roles in a box to the left.

I hope Christopher Plummer beats his own “oldest actor to win an Academy Award” record by winning an Oscar and beating Kevin Spacey over the head with it!

Blind Gossip claims it’s Kreuk AND Mack, but with Mack as a higher-ranking member.

Please feel free to dish details!

According to Twitter Audit, Trump’s follower ratio shifted drastically from “fake” to “real” accounts during those eleven minutes. I CALL SHENANIGANS!