Abstractions of Chinchilla

Consider that movies focused on eating disorders haven’t seen a boom time since the ‘80s after-school special

Rosalee! Always the best at giving exposition! And Monrosalee = serious GOALS for relationships, forever.

I never noticed that! Bree Turner as sweet pragmatic fox Rosalee was among my favorite things in “Grimm,” but I don’t think she did any dancing in that series.

Actors like Michael Caine, Nicholas Cage, Anthony Hopkins, Christopher Walken, etc. are always the most delightful things in every terrible movie they make for money. The terrible movies are often worth seeing only for their entertaining performances.

how DARE you call The Prestige and Alfred Pennyworth trilogy coasting!!

This blind item claims that Depp’s earpiece was actually to help with his hearing, which honestly sounds like terrible damage-control gossip spread by Depp’s camp.

Plus Diaz’s rich daddy would’ve totally insisted that they sign a pre-nup, and he’ll pay for the BEST shark divorce lawyers to drag Mulroney through the mud.

My Best Friend’s Wedding is one of the earliest movies in my memory that used cellphones as A Plot Point, however minor. Julia Roberts and Rupert Everett are in constant phone contact throughout the movie, including during the climactic “Who’s chasing you?” chase scene. And then in the final scene when Rupert/George

My kid self vaguely thought this too! Like a platonic BFF marriage or something? It made sense in my kid brain. They’re official best friends now, they need a commitment ceremony!

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Retroactive recognition of Bree Turner AKA Rosalie from Grimm in the “Wishing and Hoping” opening dance sequence!

Dads grudgingly in love with cats are MY FAVORITE THING.

Seriously, my eyebrows shot up to my hairline at that career leap. Teach me your ways, O newspaper-job-getter!

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Spend your life digging coal from the bottom of your grave.

❤️Sutton Foster❤️😍 She has my heart forever after “Bunheads.”

Moxy Fruvous was also totally my jam, and I had to toss all my Fruvous CDs after Ghomeshi because I couldn’t even look at them anymore.

Chris Pine should win an Oscar and BEAT CHRIS PRATT OVER THE HEAD WITH IT!

10/10 would write thinly veiled erotic romance fiction about during workshop class.

God I loved him so much.

You and that GIF make an excellent argument. English majors unite!