Absent Blue

I travel a lot for work, I end up going on at least two trips a month, sometimes more, sometimes a trip is multiple cities at once and I fly just about everywhere. TSA doesn't bother me that much, I even gave up on the whole opt-out stuff after about a year and a half of being indignant.

Just scrolling past the comment and saw the Ford/Firestone thing.

Go EA, pussy-foot around the comment by praising Epic in all the ways but their story then take the interview down. I know you just got called the worst company in America, but grow some balls, stick to your guns. The opinion of one producer thinking a game with a crappy story has a crappy story is no big deal. Even

To that affect there is no practical advantage to knowing the story at all, but I choose to because I enjoy it. Personally I have always liked it when stories become intertwined, like how Black Mesa and Aperture exist in the same world. Two different games with two different stories that don't (as far as we know)

EVERYWHERE, apparently.

Ahh, that makes sense. Like I said, I used to geek out on Marathon and a bit on Halo but never got around to reading the books. Just playing the games over and over, watching the anime and reading wikis and boards... so I guess everything short of any sort of print.

Holy crap. I want to dash away every one of my responsibilities right now and go home and finish this.

So can I sue the five million Mexican restaurants here in San Antonio that all say they have the best tacos in town? Or can I just complain to the BBB?

They are different? It's been a while since I have been in fanboy mode for either but I thought they were in the same universe. I know Marathon takes place centuries afterward (and starts centuries before) and also occurs ridiculously far away as well (Leela sends off a distress signal she says will take some

Odd, I remember in Marathon the AIs, which were precursors to ones like Cortana, lived for centuries. Of the three AIs two of them only died cause they were killed (Tycho and what's-her-name), meanwhile Durandal manages to reach "enlightenment".

"Also, it's bad if you can murder someone easily..."

Internet dating works, I tried it a few times myself. This one time I met a girl and my friend ended up dating her.

The only things in society that should be illegal are those that directly violate our safety and our rights guaranteed by the Constitution. This knife does not do either of those, it is a tool which can be made to compromise my safety but it in effect does not do so without someone using it. As such it should not be

To each their own.

So AAA, Penzoil, Ford, Macwell House, etc. have to pay chingos dinero to get this guy's car to have their names on it but one guy hacks his Twitter and gets it for free?

The thing is everyone perceives their experiences relative to themselves. Example: If I met a white, adult male and related my meeting back to someone else I would say, "I met this person," whereas if I met a black, adult female I would instead say, "I met this black woman."

Interesting. I don't think I would care how gross any treatment is if it will save my life.

ISPs are businesses and to my knowledge can technically do what they want. They are not bound by any laws to do this but if they want to work with organizations (maybe cause they're under pressure to, maybe they have an incentive) then they can.

Unfortunately it would have to fall in line with glorious timing. A game with an engine mostly in place can be turned around fairly quickly, sometimes in a year (Assassin's Creed) but typically there are studios overlapping to get those out on a yearly basis. Even one that has it's engine, models, story, etc.