@thinkthis: "Don't use it" is obviously a choice. However it's inevitable that Apple wants to, or possibly will make it a necessity in the future. Apple is the Lady Macbeth of software giants; cleanliness to a point of damned insanity.
@thinkthis: "Don't use it" is obviously a choice. However it's inevitable that Apple wants to, or possibly will make it a necessity in the future. Apple is the Lady Macbeth of software giants; cleanliness to a point of damned insanity.
@Gïmmï Mørgäikköŋëŋ: I see what you did there.
@crazypills77: Someone at Valve has to enjoy it probably.
A lot of it is probably covering their asses. I'm sure they sat around a very large table for very long hours figuring out anything and everything that could possibly bite them in the ass so they could write highly subjective rules that would serve as a potentially and somewhat convincingly-enough legitimate way for…
I like the changes, they make sense. I can understand some people not liking them, but I also think it's an irrational fear. I seriously doubt Apple will ever do away with the more comprehensive side of the OS: Finder, Terminal, different ways of app install, etc.
@friedpaco: Black is not ecologically friendly sir. Unless we're in a city that's always cold so it cuts down on using the heater, then I guess it is.
I see a red roof and I want it painted white.
This is when I hate the government. Normally, I don't like the government to do anything but protect our basic freedoms as defined in the Bill of Rights. I want my government to protect me from anything that threatens my life, my freedom or my property. That's it. So long as I'm not threatening anyone else's life,…
Well said concerning the DLC. There are very few softwares that retain any exclusiveness nowadays.
@Live N Learn: If you dumb down OSX then I'll see you later.
@Edix: Hehe, you'd think that.
Been using Steam since day one on my Windows XP Pentium 4 desktop with a Radeon 9600.
@MXC: Flying Prius? Seriously? Please tell me you're joking. Prius? Oh God, am I already an old man when this generation doesn't know what that car is and what movie that is from?
Damn, no mention of TEDx San Antonio that was on today? I was switching the show.
His "purgatory" as you say may have led way to his success. But you never know. He doesn't seem very humble like you may expect from describing anyone like that. For all we know his getting fired may have just prolonged Apple's success. After all, he was worried about aesthetics and ease of use since before he was…
Yeah, this has to be totally fake. A .40cal FMJ would totally crack the a huge lake of ice that seems to be supporting a bunch of grown men.
Gearbox FTW!
@erichg14: I think this "experiment" should consist of isolating McDonalds burgers in different environments. One that's clean and does not let moisture escape, one that's clean and removes moisture, one that's dirty and does not let moisture escape and one that's dirty and does let moisture escape.
I remember back in like 2002 or 2003 hearing the iPod didn't have a replaceable battery. This is back when I was still a PC fan boy and Macs weren't real computers to us.
Oh dear.