And it's only USB 2.0, not shabby if the claims are right.
And it's only USB 2.0, not shabby if the claims are right.
I always took "replayability" to mean that I want to play the game again after I finish the single-player experience.
How is it that micro-organisms garner the reaction of "EW" but mold has the reaction of "flavorably!"
@swester: I may be surprised, but I wouldn't mind finding out.
It's their business— let them run it into the ground. This just gives another wireless carrier the opportunity to come up and say "We don't block your favorite short-code services"
I'd be happy with a tenth of Steve Jobs' money to be perfectly honest with you :-P
What I would want:
Ooo, I want some! Jalapeño anything does my taste buds well :)
If I liked tactile keyboards or operating in landscape mode for anything other than games and movies I'd go for this.
@Pixelologist, Esq.: Yes, yes it is.
Robert Parker? That's my daddy! But he drinks Ice House beer and margaritas so I'm not sure we're talking about the same fellow.
@az060693: iPhone 4 has a 1GHz CPU and 256MB of memory. It does seem paltry in comparison.
STOP! Don't. Open. That. Door.
I like how Todd Howard plays; supporting the originators. The ones that did it well enough to pave the road for it's own sequels and the games it inspired from there on.
Looks amazing, I don't get the time I used to for playing games much anymore so when I do I like the experience to be everything. This game is full to the brim with what looks like a fantastic adventure and world to explore. I can't wait to check it out.
There's nothing "impossible" about compositing. It's just photo manipulation.
@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: News gets better my friend. By pure and utter circumstance a co-worker of mine wanted me to check out a bike some guy off Craig's List was selling. When we met up with him here at work he said he wished he worked here and he named off a few people he knew.
@ImmaLion: I think that other one had that "surreal" look because it was shot with two cameras instead of one. So it's getting the effect by combining stereoscopic imagery into monoscopic imagery. The offset makes some things look funny closer up.
Seems like T-Mobile is picking and choosing. The service isn't advocating anything illegal, it's not selling customer information, harassing customers, it's providing a service for medicinal purposes.
One of the few actors that will be enough for me to watch a movie so long as they're in it for any amount of time.