The Sisko Gets Angry

This is gold.

Construction Time Again is a good album choice — I don’t think Penn State wants to hear anything off of Violator.

You got me a little teary eyed right there. I know those feels. I was that kid too.

My ritual was going to someplace like Toy R Us, back when the video game section was like a showroom and if you wanted to buy something you’d take the little slip for the game you wanted and pay at the register. Then the cashier would go i to the mysterious back room and bring your game box out.

My favorite instruction booklet ever was the one for Sim City on the SNES. It was so thick, and the writing was excellent. All of Dr. Wright’s little anectdotes and interjections were utterly charming. I read it several times through.

My big thing was the map. When I opened it, I be like:

Hell, I used to be depressed if my rental games didn’t have an instruction manual.

Dear Nintendo,

Maybe for you. I played all of Battlefront and Battlefront 2 without ever playing Multiplayer.

“Is it mechanically possible for you to fuck yourself?” I laughed my ass off at that one.

Sadly, the suggestion to buy a Ferrari was lost in translation