I know there’s a 99% chance of it not happening, but a “Vanquish” sequel would make me so damn happy. That game was fucking awesome.
I know there’s a 99% chance of it not happening, but a “Vanquish” sequel would make me so damn happy. That game was fucking awesome.
Or Star Trek V v bad?
“Where’s X-wing next gen?” Exactly. Can someone please explain why this hasn’t happened yet? With all the nostalgia for that series, one would think it would sell like crazy.
Doug Christie uppercutting Rick Fox was one of the greatest moments in Sacramento Kings history.
Can’t fault you. Best game ever.
I’ve wanted to go back and play Mass Effect 2 so bad, but the thought of mining planets again always stops me. God, I really hated that. The only way for me to get through that was to pound beer. Not a good way to continue the game after doing so...
Enjoy the honeymoon! I can’t even play Fire Emblem after a couple of beers, so hats off to you to be able to booze it up all day and play. Your brain is far superior to mine good sir.
Hell yes! I love that game and I pray that we see a sequel some day. So underrated.
Thanks for bringing up Star Trek podcasts. I’m always on the lookout for ones I haven’t heard of yet(Post Atomic Horror being one, looking forward to giving it a listen).
Come on now. You can never go too heavy with DS9 talk.
Yeah Mike, I’m with you about being stuck and having to farm old missions in order to upgrade my characters so I have any chance to complete the missions I’m now facing(I just started Episode 2, “Never Forgive, Never Forget”). You’re also right about them not explaining how the game works very well. There’s even this…
Thanks for the info. I don’t mind waiting longer for fries if it’s actually going to make them taste better. I’ll definitely give this method a go next time around.
This burger sounds amazing.
“Potato chip like crisp” sounds pretty damn good to me. Thanks for the heads up!
Can you please explain these “well done fries” you speak of? I think In-N-Out cheeseburges are the best burgers fast food has to offer, but their fries are just downright terrible, so I never go there(I can’t eat a burger without fries on the side). If there’s a way to make their fries good(without going animal…
Agreed, but only seasons 1-3. The theme went to shit on seasons 4-7.
I loved the Mass Effect series. Well, except for mining planets. That was boring as hell. I really want to play ME2 again, but I can’t bear the thought of having to go through that mind numbing experience again.
Amen. The crafting system in DA:I was god awful. I really enjoyed the adventure/action part of the game, but when it came to inventory and crafting, it was a nightmare. I don’t want to spend 30-45 minutes cycling back and forth between items. You couldn’t even do a side by side comparison of the equipment you wanted…
I just started playing New Order(just got reunited with my old crew at headquarters) and I have to ask, does this game get any better? I picked it up used for $15, so I'm not complaining, but after all the great things I've heard about it, I've been a little let down so far.