Abradolph Lincler

Yes, I think an author either here or on The Avocado made precisely this point.  I think the episode was highly prescient and probably hits even more strongly than it would have when new, at least for people living in a place with the same idioms as the culture and language they grew up with.  People who deal with a

I think she will end up in one episode before the show is done for good, as long as she doesn’t have something weird in her contract on Mythic Quest that would prevent it.

I think some of this season also has still dealing with COVID restrictions during at least some of the filming.

Yeah, if you think about it too hard, it falls apart, but it’s just so darn INTERESTING, and it makes for a great story, so I can handwave it away a bit and the journal that helps Picard piece it together helps, I think; maybe they use written/drawn communication for more mundane things.  But the story makes me WANT

Okay, I think it’s worth talking out this, because I think this season has been really good, there’s something to the looking “weird” comment.

PS - thanks for the info about the Meadowlands having a mall bigger than KoP; I’d never have known because the last place I’d visit in the NYC area is Northern NJ. 🤣

Now I’m laughing because my last post was almost “Shaka when the walls fell,” which manages to be peak Star Trek and also of the same time as this conversation and I’m so mad I didn’t notice the connection before.

Yeah, I don’t remember when in 89 the wall fell, but they might as well have said that 9/11 happened during the Clinton administration.  Even though we knew Gorby was a good egg, all the adults around me were SHOCKED when the wall fell.

Right?  It’s not like she was going to go into IT or something.

I had no idea that this was filmed in Toronto, but it makes sense.  I suspect Montreal’s underground is also still really successful; I moved 2,600 miles to get out of humidity in the summer and cold in the winter, shopping underground is way less work than that.

The 80s outlasted the Cold War.  Trust me, I was there.

Futurama gets most things right.

True capitalists love LGBTQ+ folks, because not having kids means they have more money to spend.  My family isn’t part of that group, but we are DINKs and it’s shocking how much money we have to spend without having to raise children.

It really is frustrating that the biggest supporters of capitalism don’t actually understand how it works.

Pooh is in the public domain. Try to keep up.

“People who love to be mad and loud on the internet”

The only thing better than wanting one is your wife wanting one.

Except they had evidence that launching in cold temperatures was dangerous.  It’s really not that different.

You’re all so cute, arguing about HOW they died, like it matters.

Whoa, careful there, a little science education might hurt the brains of the authors on this site.