Having owned two RX-7s and one RX-8, I can tell you that sounds 100% like a naturally aspirated Wankel.
Having owned two RX-7s and one RX-8, I can tell you that sounds 100% like a naturally aspirated Wankel.
They do still carry honey in most of their locations here in SoCal from what I can tell. There was one location in Downey that consistently didn’t have honey (not counting the oldest extant McDonald’s which is also in Downey) and I avoided that location since honey is The One True McNugget Sauce.
PS - it’s no accident that since the finale aired, Esalen has become a hot commodity among tech bros.
I’ve got to disagree with you here. While I think Peggy getting together with Stan was a bit of a groaner (and more fan-service-y than anything), Peggy ultimately wasn’t the protagonist of the show; Don was. We cared about the other characters, but deep down, Don didn’t. Don cared about Don. Don wasn’t going to back…
...and I’m so glad the MacBook Pro isn’t touchscreen. I’ve been trying to keep people from getting their greasy ass likely feces-coated fingerprints on my screen for the last fifteen years. Why the fuck would I want to encourage such behavior.
Not to mention how Yuengling managed to avoid that fate, almost uniquely.
I mean, if you held a gun to my head and said, “you have to choose - either watch some dumpy looking guy jerk off, or lose your job,” I think I’d choose the chicken choking show. And I definitely am not into watching guys masturbate.
Yes, Clutch x1000
As an owner of a small amount of Twitter stock, I can assure you that Twitter is actually quite shit at monetizing their platform. Facebook stock would have been a far better investment on my part.
I would guess that the distribution is based on where, historically, there had been Americans working as expats, or a large military presence at one point. Bahrain, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait all have had many American expats working for the oil companies. (Saudi ARAMCO has a compound so large it has its own…
Japan, with its massive suicide rate, would like to have a word with you. But it’s clear you’re not someone who lets little things like facts get in the way of your blinkered worldview.
Please ungray me, Mr Hughes!
Isn’t her character from Nebraska? I feel like that got mentioned early on.