A Boy and His Longtail

Ford needs to chill with its data talk. I’m not about to live in a brave new world.

Ha! Take that, Carl!

And why McLaren is today.

Can you not read? The sticker clearly says it add 5 hp. You should take everything you read at face value, gosh.

Look at all those plebs with wheeled bicycles...

“Safety Smafety”

For when you want to rip some (FWD) burnouts in the nursing home parking lot.

Your grandma sounds like an awesome person. Jalop approved.

Well, I would have voted NP if it had some power upgrades to go with it simply for the sheer insanity of it. As is, though, CP.

A worthy COTD for the first time in a while.

Approximately two seconds after it hits the market.

That would be because this is cool and the Gladiator isn’t.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but this is lamer than I thought it would be.

If one the most is a Ferrari engines WRX, I’m for it.

Well, it’s certain to tick off the people that keep their Ferraris in climate controlled garages and never drive them, so I’m for it.

No, that’s case sensitive.

That’s what I was wanting to know.

I don’t care what you do off the track/field, but during sport time, let’s just play sports, okay?

I believe it is because lights technically blink many times a second to save power, and based on the moment the frame is recorded will determine if the light appears to be on or off.

She’s won before.