Yes. Of all the things to erase from the books in the TV show, the Greyjoys/Iron Islands/Drowned God would have been my first choice. At least the super-boring Victarion storyline is out.
Yes. Of all the things to erase from the books in the TV show, the Greyjoys/Iron Islands/Drowned God would have been my first choice. At least the super-boring Victarion storyline is out.
Leave the high sparrow alone? The guy is holding their queen daughter/granddaughter AND their (TV show) heir! If they leave him alone there are no more Tyrells (at least in the show, not the books).
Yeah. I don't think it's possible, or even desirable, to hide that.
She was very new. Roose got her after the Red Wedding. I wonder what the Freys will do now.
I have been reading ASOIAF since ACOK first came out on paperback. In fact, it was the red and gold cover with the picture of Melissandre and Stannis on it (if I remember correctly) that first drew me to the books, at my (then) local Borders, in a way that the wolf-and-rider silver-and-blue cover of AGOT would never…