
Transferring data from Wii to WiiU was horrible. From PS4 to PS5, I selected which saved data I wanted to keep in the cloud and then I turned on my PS5 and logged in. Not even close to as tedious as the Nintendo stuff. 3DS upgrade was also bad. 

Sony just doesn’t give a flying fart about the customers” A bit hyperbolic. Definitely inaccurate.

You are both nuts. Guards Red is the best red.

The prosecution wanted both of them for 1st degree murder, which was totally inaccurate. The whole thing is terrible but knowing that the father didn’t really do anything wrong according to the law, I feel good about the fact that he remained free. Based on his body language in court however, he was absolutely

I was on a jury for a homicide caught on convenient store camera footage. The defendants were a father, who was a minister, and his son, who was a drug dealer. The son had sold some bad drugs to someone who decided to confront him about it. For the sake of clarity lets call that guy Dave.

The comments here give me hope. The comments on that video, however, do not.

I have hope. It’s still super new.

I really like the Dualsense stuff in the 3rd party games I’ve played. The half-trigger-pull resistance in Hitman 3 is very helpful. It makes finding the slowdown spot in sniper rifles much easier to find. The slight rumble that syncs to the beat in Berlin or the passing drones in Chongqing is also something new and awe

Here comes one of them now!

Holy Hyperbole, Batman!

Right?! wtf happened? I never would have guessed, watching Gootecks and Mike Ross 9 years ago, that either of them would become this kind of person. Gross.

For real. This reads like he died. Wtf


Gore in games can be fun and off-putting at the same time. The gore in The Last of Us 2 was like that for me. Sometimes it was like “wow neat!” and other times I felt like I was going to throw up. I’m pretty sure you are meant to have a strong reaction to the gore in most games. 

Looks dope.

I, for one, welcome the “gigantic L” that Microsoft will take when they announce that Halo: Infinite is actually Series X/S and PC only. I firmly believe that they are taking a wait-and-see approach to the adoption of the new consoles before officially announcing the lack of Xbox One support. It’s the right move. 

Lol gottem

Hades is a better Wizard of Legend.

When my wife was playing The Witcher 3 on our launch Ps4, I would sometimes be on the other side of the house and think she had started vacuuming or something. I’d then go “oh right the fan....”

The WiiU was alive?