Abnormal Fescue

Ya got that right.

Hating Paul Ryan is a given.

I actually quite enjoyed your little story.

Ugh, I knew a dad like that in high school. We went over to hang out at this girl's house once or twice and her single dad was always trying to wrestle and physically horse around with the girls in the group.

Oh alright…

I hate GIFs.

Sometimes it's fun. And, as I've pointed out, I'm hardly the only one here who thinks so.

Fair enough.

I agree. Yet people do anyway.

Kind of like Zimmerman started the fight.

It's Montana, and Republicans. Assaulting a reporter is a plus for these people.

C'mon man, you know what I'm saying, and if anything you're the one being deliberately obtuse. Watch for the next article mentioning Trump, or KellyAnne Conway, or men wearing rompers. You'll see plenty of mockery about appearances.

We mock people's appearances all the time here.

I mocked Toby Keith's appearance in an article here a couple of days ago. Does that mean I care what he looks like, or that I think he owes it to me as a male to look a certain way? My point here was, essentially, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Context is everything, my friend.

Yeah, it was actually supposed to be a protracted sword fight between the two, but Ford had dysentery and wasn't up to it.

Did I say I have any say? I couldn't care less what she looks like. If Donald Trump was body shaming elderly women I'd be saying a guy with a vivid orange fake tan and a ridiculous dyed combover is in no position to mock another's appearance too. Doesn't mean I feel Trump has to look a particular way for me.

Criticizing an arrogant bully's fashion choices is not terrible.

She chose to look that way. The older woman did not. Criticizing cosmetic surgery choices and fashion choices isn't body shaming the way mocking an old person's appearance due to age is, or mocking someone for being overweight.

Yeah, you're not all that special yourself, frankly. A monkey face with fake blond hair and fake big tits isn't that impressive.

Don't Reed into it too much.