wow, the interwebs really is always poking fun at logics and common sense
wow, the interwebs really is always poking fun at logics and common sense
I think most people are missing the point. This is -one- method to -introduce- children to such concepts. No one cares if your/the traditional way is more effective/desirable. The fact is that different kids have different needs and some methods work better than others on a case by case basis. This is just the…
Boy, I played the first Playstation version which I still have backed up and run on an emulator. My first run, in the long gone 2001, took me more than 200 hours. I just loved playing and training and sharpening skills and professions. I wanted so bad to go forward with the story and unlock new equipment and new…
I don't always feel inclined to comment on Kotaku. Sometimes articles are just easily ignored for being mostly opinion-based and all, with which I mean, they don't usher a response from me, either positive or negative.
The sheer numbers alone of people doing stuff and going places in China never ceases to amaze me.