

For the record, I think Assange is guilty as sin, but that argument as a general rule is a pretty bad one. It’s the same kind of logic “If you did nothing wrong, you got nothing to hide”, and “If they weren’t guilty, they wouldn’t have confessed”.

From what I’ve read about the modeling industry, contracts, and shoots, I think that overstates Kloss’s power. And IMHO, it is a valid point that we’re constantly criticizing the women who are the least involved in creating these choices because they’re the face, and too often we let the people with the most

Very true. However, you’re forgetting my point about how models have virtually no control over what they wear on the runway or at a shoot. Even if she had seen it before and said she wasn’t comfortable with it, she can’t do much about it if they tell her to wear it without straight up quitting (and thus throwing a big

I have no insight on how things run at the top tiers but for all the shoots I’ve been a part of; it’s absolutely the art/creative director and her boss(es) that dictate the shoot theme. Models are worked on, dressed up, put into position, and given direction.

For real. Liberals. You know what we need to stop doing? We need to stop apologizing for dumb shit. A pretty girl was dressed up for a stunning photo shoot. The Japanese are happy to dress you as a Geisha anyway. They are a pretty rich nation with problems of their own. Japanese women are not suffering ethnic

They always hang the models out to dry on stuff like this, and they almost never take responsibility or admit fault.

Goon on Karlie for learning better and apologizing. That’s what is most important here, he didn’t decide to remain ignorant when presented with reality and that is something we need to encourage. We need to be directing hate at Vogue and the people who organized the shoot and booked Karlie for it. They made the

Um. Shouldn’t the ire be directed at Vogue and their photographer and art director who developed this concept rather than not Kylie.? Yes she could have said NOPE but the people at the magazine who thought this was a good idea should get the brunt of the ire.

I don’t understand why the model needs to apologize. Isn’t she just doing her job? Do we really expect her to refuse to do the shoot and then have the magazine use another model who would have to apologize? It’s the magazine and the whoever came-up wit this “artistic vision” who need to apologize for putting the model

“But most women who have been on a crowded subway know that men of any size will use proximity as an excuse for inappropriate touching”

No, it needs to fight gerrymandering better. Those middle states were won by very narrow margins that are largely due to arbitrary lines drawn specifically to group conservative voters into blocs that can outvote the liberal ones.

The huge numbers of people who voted for Obama in the past two elections and then stayed home on voting day did not do so because of Sanders. I realize you don’t want to accept this, but I don’t know what else to tell you.

Jezebel is not a left wing site — it’s a Hillary site.

What bullshit numbers did I quote? And when did I delegitimize Bernie losing in the primaries? He lost. I wish he hadn’t, but I don’t deny that he did.

Thank you. I’m reading this going “we are supposed to hate Bernie Sanders now???” For shit’s sake, the more air time the U.S. public is provided on key issues like health care the better - it’s not like the public proved itself to be knowledgeable on how screwed over they would be without the ACA in the election. Is

Bernie supporters turned out for Hillary at a higher rate than Hillary supporters turned out for Obama in ‘08. Maybe you should’ve listened to people telling you that HRC was an awful, unelectable candidate instead of being offended that someone would dare challenge her rightful ascension to the throne.

How did Bernie get us where we are today? By being the only real liberal candidate? By entering a rigged primary and revealing how unpopular Hillary was in key swing states she would go onto lose in the general?

bernie sanders inscribed ancient sigils on the wisconsin border to keep clinton from campaigning there.

I just want to know... where were all these racists back in 08 and 2012 when Barack Obama, a POC won 2 in a row? We can’t deny that racist trump supporters helped get him elected... but it’s amazing to me how no one on here wants to take Hillary to task for her mistakes.