I'm just saying there isn't anything Halo about it that isn't already UT. You could have said if Doom and UT had a baby or UT and borderlands had a baby.
I'm just saying there isn't anything Halo about it that isn't already UT. You could have said if Doom and UT had a baby or UT and borderlands had a baby.
When hearing that an athlete using a massive amount of cocaine was implicating his daughter by proximity, Wayne's reaction was described as Fuhrious.
He's allegedly failed three drug tests since 2009, one for weed and two for coke.
"Two affairs? Amateur" - Tiger Woods
Bot mode is a great start, but in order for this game to be a return to old school shooters, it needs a lot of one thing and one fucking thing only:
And your belief is less nutty somehow because of its vagueness and incoherence?
Last night's episode of The Daily Show featured a segment on just how badly the NFL has mishandled the Ray Rice…
Solution: Make games that require teamwork a bit more like Left 4 Dead. Even without chat, there are audio and visual queues for literally every situation, including what kind of Special Infected were currently in play and whenever a teammate needed help for any reason - even a button specifically for calling out…
The minimum could be as simple as a small shove to put some distance between the two and she could have easily fallen over and hit the rail. Maybe the commish saw this "unseen footage" but why it wouldn't be made public makes me think it is definitely beyond what we are thinking with the minimum.
This is a great read until a very, very stupid conclusion:
Rice should be Jetsoned imo.
This comparison by Jenkins looks even weaker when you consider Fred Flintstone's direct inspiration, Ralph Kramden. I man, what kind of "abusive husband" would consistently offer to send his wife on expensive trips to the moon?
The best opinion of the day can be found among the Washington Post's letters to the editor. (The worst opinions of…
And I'm not even talking about the soundtracks.
lol reminded me of this.
Friedberg said he didn't consider the 15-year-old in this case to be a child.
The cool bro you see above is, according to this Craigslist post, looking for two girls to host his upcoming…
Yay! A text rundown of what's on the video! This should happen so much more often, as I usually browse Kotaku while at work, and can't view videos.
Problem I have is every Tootsie Roll Pop I eat has one of those air pockets in the middle and the edge gets all sharp and stuff so I bite because I don't want to slice my tongue up.