Is this worth watching if you didn't like the movie? I remember really not liking the movie.
Is this worth watching if you didn't like the movie? I remember really not liking the movie.
The cereal will become soggy if you put it in the bowl with the milk in the fridge. Why the hell wouldn't you want cold milk?
Right, Do we need to look through old articles and pull out the screenshot, video, etc. articles with no description? They happen. I never said anything about the content (if there were any) and neither did Dmoose.
At least he bothered to tag it to Kotakucore
HIs point isn't that you're upset but this has been happening a long time.
I didn't play DA2 and I have nothing to do with Inquisition. My point (admittedly pretty crass) was to get at if not directly stating her sexually preference was really what bothered you or if it was awkward dialogue BECAUSE they are avoiding stating it.
Americans barely know there was a world cup after America was out of it. We sure don't know who won the world cup of soccer or know what a goalie is.
I can't connect with a character that isn't trying to sleep with everything that moves. It makes the boss fights a lot more interesting.
Would it be better if she shouted "I'm a carpet muncher" more often? How does rewriting dialogue to point out how gay/straight/whatever she is improve it?
So basically you didn't read something, again.
Same thing. Dorkly isn't known for it's accuracy.
Person in last place can't get a lighting bolt.
Coins also give you an initial collecting speed boost.
I'm glad you were interested in me enough to check out a comment log, not weird at all. Thanks for playing.
This post is a better read than the article.
People complain when Patricia just links a video or picture. That blog post is why I don't complain.
Why reply to a comment from Monday with nonsense?
There's probably people with the opposite opinion. People that like the stuff that's out now can probably appreciate the parody more.
I would take a 2D movie with these 3D scenes as transitions. I'd be mostly worried about the characters not looking good in 3d and sensory overload if it all looked this detailed and interesting.
Yoshi Valley. Not island.