
Is there anything new coming to kotaku? I know there was a push for e-sports coverage (They don't appeal personally to me). I feel like the last addition/change was MoneySaver (of which I am a big fan).

$30 trade in + $30 credit = $60 controller

Mario is red. That way blue toad is always blue.

I think of buffet as quantity and smorgasbord as variety.

DDR3 vs GDDR5. Xbone uses DDr3. My computer ueses DDr3. My graphics card is GDDR5.

Where do promo codes go on thinkgeek.com? After checkout and I give my credit card info?

How do you confuse "there" and "they're" my good sir?

Those sales aren't good.

Don't think so. I liked the first and the new one is so far unimpressive to me.

You can play them on a Wii U though

I wasn't looking forward to multiplayer at all, however, I plan to get it for PC when it is cheaper than the wii u version anyways. Either way it is moot for me.

Concussion testing: "Jean Rickerson, president of SportsConcussions.org, said the test is 'fast, reliable and accurate.” It’s also safe and simple. 'It’s like a video game,' Rickerson said." - 2011

Shane Roberts Moneysaver Deals Dealtaku PC Mac Indie Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Wii U Playstation Vita 3DS iOS Android Xbox One Tech Hardware 9/25/13 2:15pm 41 minutes ago Edit5,003g 147L E Share to Kinja jFacebook iTwitter kTumblr K Deals: Battlefield 4, Humble Mobile Bundle 2, Gaming Keyboards, Pixar Console owners

But they didn't. They retracted the "drop support" thing.

Also Sid meir's pirates for 2.50

If I buy a game on gamefly and it doesn't specifically say "Requires a steam account to play" ie Sid Meier's Pirates

Creating metroids had nothing to do with humans.

I hate the mcrib. Getting a mcdouble with bbq sauce is 100X better.