A Big Butt And A Smile

The part no one is talking about is that you have to have a program set up where doctors can get their education for free or near free with the understanding that they will be gvernment employees for set amount of years and plaed where need is at the highest.

Will you stop.





I do *some* slashers.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who does like that levelo of violence for violence sake. It’s why I never got into the Saw movies and I love horror - even slashers.

The Wave Election was a referendum on Trump. The dems who won were swept in with the idea they would be a check on him.

And this is why we can’t have nice things.

Infrequent voters are the gold mine. Short of Kemp’s dirty tricks and Texas rural areas both Abrams and Beto win their respective southern states.

I just don’t understand what people don’t get about this.

The also place severe price control on their private insurers.

There’s nothing legitimate about anything either of you have said.

“ their god-king had all his works unmade inside of two years”

What’s next - child labor? Slavery?

I mean...

Man I laughed too hard at this.

“If you think infrequent and low enthusiasm voters are gonna vote solely to vote against Trump...”

Pretty much.